MA`s masterplan


Oct 23, 2005
NBK Elite
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Ivan Lunatix Unknown
i know the loot has been discussed alot here... so i dont want to start another whine thread i just want to point out the way it is now and see what you got to say.

So you ask yourself why do i get 50% comebacks? why do noobs hit aths etc.

the answere is quite simple because MA need to earn money.
now there are many theories how they get there cash but the answere is they earn on DEPOSITS.

in the past( 3,4 years ago) you used to go on a hunt and you always came back with about 90% tt return. when you hit a hof it was alot more uncommon.
nowdays you loose alot more but also you hit alot BIGGER loots.
why does it work that way?
because when you have a lucky week or hit a real BIG one most of the players tend to upgrade equiment and go to higher level of gaming instead of saving in for the bad times... thats why ppl get forced to deposit regurarly.
This way MA get money into their pockets.

Again dont want to whine around here i just want to point out that propably after a year of gaming you still have the same 90% coomeback as you did before but the downs and ups are alot bigger.
AND youll see yourself on a lot higher lvl in your profession.
the answere is quite simple because MA need to earn money.
now there are many theories how they get there cash but the answere is they earn on DEPOSITS.

Incorrect, deposits go straight on to your ped card!!!

They earn from decay, this is widely known


Taking a wild guess here, but I would think MAs masterplan is to make money... :scratch2:

Best way to do this is to pay out less than you get in, if you have that in the foundation of your programming, the rest can be totally random ....

Just my :twocents:

S V :tiphat:
im happy to say they dont get my money

i stopped depositing since November 2008 and dont see any ground to start depositing again.

i just see most of my FL isnt online most have leave the game and its really bad to see, we need ppl and new ppl in game.

MA´s masterplan take so many money so fast we can
Incorrect, deposits go straight on to your ped card!!!

They earn from decay, this is widely known



Indeed, get you're facts straight first.

Nothing to see here, move on :tp:
They also get their money from ammo, failed and part success crafting, mining bombs, etc, etc. Unless you are gonna include all that in with decay.
Or how about this:

Loot has stayed the same, MA has changed nothing.

The reason of the bigger HOF's is the increased use of (L) equipment. Remember that not all decay goes to MA, and the increase of (L) decay and the coming of big HOF's coincides quite well I would say.

Then there is the point of loot being less overall. If that is the case, which I believe, it could also be because of the higher average level of players. I mean, more and more people are nearing level 100, and some have surpassed that. This means that these people are most probably profiting. If this group is expanding, and all are profiting, it stands to reason that loot for lowerskilled players is less.

I of course do not know if this is true or not, but it is quite easy to blame MA and say that they are greedy. That might be the case or it might not be. The thing we should not forget however is that there is also the other side of the coin/medallion.

In short:
Maybe all is still the same lootwise and players with maxed levels are draining the loot 'pool' from the lowerskilled ones (which they should since they skilled for that). And maybe the increase in big HOF's comes from added decay from (L) equipment. Then again maybe MA has really become greedier. Again, we cannot know but we shouldn't ignore the other possibilities just because our loot sucks.

Sorry for the long post.


Incorrect, deposits go straight on to your ped card!!!

They earn from decay, this is widely known



i doubt MA can pay their rent with PEDs....
you need some curency on your bank account to be able to pay loans etc.

People are moving real Cash into EU and get some virutal cash as exchange.
Yes MA drains some of the cash inside the universe (with decay,deeds etc.) to make people deposit again. Only with depos they can have a steady income.

so i say they want actualy to have regural deposits.
Only with depos they can have a steady income.

If 1 million people all deposit 500$ still no income for MA, they just "hold" the money, maybe they invest or pay bills with it. But when all those ppl withdraw it all again they all get their 500$ back (minus fee's ofc) so where is the part where MA makes money on the deposit ??
As long as people deposit more than they withdraw MA will make profit. Ofcourse the difference must be big enough to pay their Employees, bills, ...
If suddenly now every player decided to withdraw all their funds the ingame economy would collapse and most items would be worthless. MA wouldn't be able to pay out the deposits and we can say goodbye entropia.
Loot distribution was indeed changed, and it was confirmed by MA. The reason they gave was because for (L) gear the loots needed to have higher TT value. The extreme HOF's are in my view to make the game more dynamic, and attract gamblers/fotuneseekers.

I agree less with the point the high HOF's result in more deposits. When the money is being used for purchases it is distributed among players, so the net deposits will not change that much. The thing that does freeze more money in game are the high TT UL weapons. The part which is kind of a myth is that return used to be 90%. Or maybe it was before I started playing, but as long as I can remeber there are people complaining about bad returns.
I love how people on these MA money speculation threads state what happens to your money as fact. How do you know!? MA tell us certain details, but nobody for 100% sure knows the full story. Now that's a fact!

Yes, MA have bills to pay. Also, their bills are not going to be the same every month, just as deposits fluctuate. I'm very sure some months the amount of income they get falls far short of their actual expense. This is like a lot of businesses.

To come out with statements like "MA gets income from decay" or "MA don't get money from deposits", is quite presumptuous.

In an ideal world, every last penny you deposit would be put into a seperate account, and drawn on as you enter it into the economy, so as to guarantee, if the worst should happen, that you can always get the TT of your inventory back, including what's on your PED card.

In reality, I should imagine this is not the case, and any guaranteed money is backed by MA's assets, as well as a portion of cash.

All we can be 100% certain of is that nobody knows, and that these threads (of which there are far too many) contain far too many ignorant and presumptuous comments about what happens to our money in the depths of MA's systems.

What we should really be discussing is whether we feel what MA are providing represents value for money, and if not, how could they realistically improve it?
MindArk's Master Plan is DYNAMIC, just like Entropia. :rolleyes:
If 1 million people all deposit 500$ still no income for MA, they just "hold" the money, maybe they invest or pay bills with it. But when all those ppl withdraw it all again they all get their 500$ back (minus fee's ofc) so where is the part where MA makes money on the deposit ??

hehe yes much like a shareholding dont you think?
when you put money into game its not your cash anymore you have on your ped balance, its just some kind of a share you hold. ( i think its even said in the EULA somewhere )

I agree less with the point the high HOF's result in more deposits. When the money is being used for purchases it is distributed among players, so the net deposits will not change that much. The thing that does freeze more money in game are the high TT UL weapons. The part which is kind of a myth is that return used to be 90%. Or maybe it was before I started playing, but as long as I can remeber there are people complaining about bad returns.

yea people always complained but i can remmeber there were guys with adjv1 and nemesis hunting smal corns while others acutaly picked there equipment more wisely and made stats...
i had tons of stats and every run was like the other always steady. nodways there are more up and downs.
I love how people on these MA money speculation threads state what happens to your money as fact. How do you know!? MA tell us certain details, but nobody for 100% sure knows the full story. Now that's a fact!

Yes, MA have bills to pay. Also, their bills are not going to be the same every month, just as deposits fluctuate. I'm very sure some months the amount of income they get falls far short of their actual expense. This is like a lot of businesses.

To come out with statements like "MA gets income from decay" or "MA don't get money from deposits", is quite presumptuous.

In an ideal world, every last penny you deposit would be put into a seperate account, and drawn on as you enter it into the economy, so as to guarantee, if the worst should happen, that you can always get the TT of your inventory back, including what's on your PED card.

In reality, I should imagine this is not the case, and any guaranteed money is backed by MA's assets, as well as a portion of cash.

All we can be 100% certain of is that nobody knows, and that these threads (of which there are far too many) contain far too many ignorant and presumptuous comments about what happens to our money in the depths of MA's systems.

What we should really be discussing is whether we feel what MA are providing represents value for money, and if not, how could they realistically improve it?

A very fair point,

I always imagined they treat it like a bank

People deposit into MA's bank account, they use this money to either gain interest - extra money for them, invest in rl, or use to pay bills etc

So in essence we could be lending money to MA to use like a bank would. And then get in back from decay

So they have assetts incase it goes tits up.

I read somehwere though that if MA went bankrupt then we would not get all out tt back, and that it is not all gaurenteed? Something like they only have enough money to gaurentee around 45% ish. This is speculation as i am no account

Anyways, we lend it to MA they do with it as they wish, and get back from decay

My 2 pecs


to win Roland Garros

Marco wondering :

Maybe we could send a swedish tennis player to Roland Garros, so that we got some cashflow...

Despite the fact that it sounds similar, there's are difference between generating income and making a profit.

Income is related to deposits, but the profit however is based on their businessmodel.

The statement that when all players would withdraw all funds would make MA go belly up it simpely not correct. It would only stagnate the economy and hurt the players not MA. On the short term only ofc.

Only 1 scenario would make MA break-even. And that is when all the funds would just stay on the players ped card, and not be used for any activity. And then be withdrawed. And even then they still take a fee on the transactions.

In all other scenarios(read activities initiated by players with their funds) a small % of the funds would flow back to MA in the form of decay and fees. So in any case MA will at all times have more funds then players could withdraw.

This is how MA makes a profit, the rest of the funds are re-distrubuted among the players(aka 'the loot pool'). This has been confirmed by MA and is not a mere guess or an assumption. This is fact.

All the frustration on returns by players are directly linked to this mechanism. And this mechanism is what is the mystery of EU, or as MA puts it: the dynamics of EU.

As for the assumption that MA has pet players they favour, this is also not correct. The general explanation would be that not MA makes players rich, but other players do. MA has absolutely no benefit by favoring some and deneying others, in fact it would only hurt them if word ever got out they did.

Another reason would be that if they did, those players would never deposit again and others would also be inclined to not deposit since all of their peds would go directly to the pet players. Thats a basic lose-lose scenario for MA. It is vital for MA to keep funds poring in the game so they can take a small % and pay those who chose to withdraw.

On a personal note I can tell you that I've made over $8,000 with this game(thats funds I withdrew minus depos I made), and I've been nothing else then a critical SOB and pain in the arse for MA. Just check my other posts. :evilking:

The way I see it, is that there's a huge random element in the re-distrubution of the loot. You have to be able to cope with this, otherwise this is no game for you. P(l)ain and simple.
in the past( 3,4 years ago) you used to go on a hunt and you always came back with about 90% tt return.
I keep hearing this.

I played back then. I got similar or worse returns than now. It wasn't this mythical profit paradise people say it is.
Would be interesting to see Q1 2009 results and specially the decay only part :D

Unfortunately reports are becoming harder to analyse due to the way the company has divided to use the platform profit sharing model.

FPC <--> MA sharing in this case.

I have found no new reports since 2008 located in the usual MA provided repository:

This one gives an overview of the new divisions and breakup:
MA tell us certain details, but nobody for 100% sure knows the full story. Now that's a fact!

Here's the problem. Nobody knows. Even the casinos in Las Vegas and Nassau and around the world have to account for their money to their own governments. Sure, laws in different countries are different, but what is the same is that they must be accountable.

Companies can not say to their governments "It's dynamic" and get away with it. The government is gonna be there with their calculators and computers to see just how much money you made and how you made it.

Right now, the way I see it, is like the Wild, Wild West. You can knock some unsuspecting prospector on the head and take all his gold and when you go into town to sell it, they ask "hey where did you get this gold?" and you can say "None of your business" and they say "okie dokie you are right it's none of my business, here's $100 for that gold dust".

As far as I know, no local or international law governs MA and their loot policies. I suppose this would be a great way for criminals to "launder" their money.
All we can be 100% certain of is that nobody knows, [...]

I can be 100% certain that I do know. you just have to read the published annual report. it's all in there - exactly what they see as revenue, how much cash is held against the player liability (and, it's not all), and how much of that liabilty has been "converted".

I do agree that there are far too many of these thread speculating all sort of nonsense. in the past, I've gone so far as to actually provide a link to these reports so that people can read them and understand. it doesn't seem to do much good, though.

oh, and, I do think I get a lot of value for my money. I have a great time, most of the time. which is okay. nothing is perfect.
I read somehwere though that if MA went bankrupt then we would not get all out tt back, and that it is not all gaurenteed? Something like they only have enough money to gaurentee around 45% ish.

all your stuff (ped on card and the terminal value of all your items) are considered a liability of sort by MA. as such, you're entitled to be paid for them, should MA go bankrupt. how much you get depends on swedish brankrupcy law and how the trustee handles the liquidation.

you might get all if the liability is considered to be a high enough priority. you might get 10 cents to the dollar. it's diffcult to say. I'm be inclined to think that it's a high priority. MA has said it's guaranteed, however, this only means something if there are enough assests to cover the debt, which appears to be the case.
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Unfortunately reports are becoming harder to analyse due to the way the company has divided to use the platform profit sharing model.

Yups totally agree the reports are not very transparent :scratch:
If they earn so much from decay then why make limited armors and weapons, no money for them on limited items.

What makes you say that? Ofcourse they make money on decay from L items, decay is decay no matter what item it is.

The whole point of the L items is that when it's used up they can drop a new item of that kind in the loot or enable a player to craft that item.

This way players can no longer complain that there are no more items in the loot. And it doesn't affect the MU on the supply end, only the demand side affects the MU. Genius move of MA if you ask me.
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Right now, the way I see it, is like the Wild, Wild West. You can knock some unsuspecting prospector on the head and take all his gold and when you go into town to sell it, they ask "hey where did you get this gold?" and you can say "None of your business" and they say "okie dokie you are right it's none of my business, here's $100 for that gold dust".

As far as I know, no local or international law governs MA and their loot policies. I suppose this would be a great way for criminals to "launder" their money.

I like your wild wild west story(www story :silly2: ) those were the days, those were the days indeed. Yeeeeeehaw! *emoticon with cowboyhat shooting frantically in the air*

As far as the laundering of money goes; I don't think so. Kinda defeats the purpose of the laundring in the first place. Unless you can physically go the Goteborg with a sack of money and make a depo, there's really no point in doing so.
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