Cost of killing a mob with different weapons (inc. skill based, overkill, regen, amp, enhancers etc.)

thank you
Fixed two bugs:

  • Changing to a suggested amplifier when using weapon markup caused a crash (thanks to Roy Tyrell for finding),
  • Amplifier markup was not working correctly.
(Thanks to sawachika for suggesting this!)

I've just added an option to find creatures that are profitable to hunt with the selected weapon. It is shown as a list in the details view, below the finisher and amplifier lists.


The way it works is by ranking each mob by the amount of 'wasted' peds, which in this case is the amount of overkill and regen, divided by the total cost to kill it. It gives a relative percentage of 'wastage' for each mob.

And again, as this is not an exact science, don't blindly believe it! It's there to help identify possible economical mobs to hunt for a certain weapon.

The example below is for Isis HL8. I'm thinking of adding a quick filter for this, so you can choose to only get suggestions for a certain planet.

Added 15 new weapons discovered since 2012-11-09.

[0] => Bicak Vix (L)
[1] => Brutal Rock n Roll Axe (L)
[2] => Camo Arms Marine Stalker (L)
[3] => Corrosive Attack Nanochip IX (L)
[4] => Herman LAW-404 (L)
[5] => Imperium Issue HK 800 (L)
[6] => Imperium Pilot Scorpion Rank 19 (L)
[7] => Isis BL200 (L)
[8] => Jashonich SIF-A (L)
[9] => Katsuichi Splendor Retro (L)
[10] => Kulokhar Glacier Sword
[11] => MAKO Dissolver 2 (L)
[12] => MarCorp Kallous-7 (L)
[13] => Omegaton Igni L1010 (L)
[14] => Shagadi Disintergration Sword
Beefed up the other creatures table a bit. It was a bit misleading, since it will suggest bad ass mobs that might not be optimal to hunt. So I added a threat indicator column, displaying a colour base on the thread level; the more red, the higher the threat, the more green, the lower the threat.

Threat is calculated as Entropedia does is: HP/10 * damage.

Below is a preview for Isis HL8 with an A103 amplifier (grey indicates unknown threat).

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There once was a test suggesting, that mobs regen actually increases avg loot roughly with same value as the extra cost. The test wasn't conclusive iirc, but it indicated that this might be the case to some extend.
I think JimmyB (as usual) was involved in the test.

Anyway... With this in mind, it might be interesting with a check-box to ignore regen. If that makes sense at all. :confused:

Anyways, great job. :)
This just tell you the average cost to kill a mob, what you get in loot have nothing to do with that, the cost will still be the same ;)

There once was a test suggesting, that mobs regen actually increases avg loot roughly with same value as the extra cost. The test wasn't conclusive iirc, but it indicated that this might be the case to some extend.
I think JimmyB (as usual) was involved in the test.

Anyway... With this in mind, it might be interesting with a check-box to ignore regen. If that makes sense at all. :confused:

Anyways, great job. :)
This just tell you the average cost to kill a mob, what you get in loot have nothing to do with that, the cost will still be the same ;)
Yes, but since the regen cost is balanced (maybe) by extra loot, it might still be interesting to compare costs to kill for different guns without the regen.
I guess it would not hurt to have the option atleast...

Yes, but since the regen cost is balanced (maybe) by extra loot, it might still be interesting to compare costs to kill for different guns without the regen.
There once was a test suggesting, that mobs regen actually increases avg loot roughly with same value as the extra cost. The test wasn't conclusive iirc, but it indicated that this might be the case to some extend.
I think JimmyB (as usual) was involved in the test.

Anyway... With this in mind, it might be interesting with a check-box to ignore regen. If that makes sense at all. :confused:

Anyways, great job. :)

Hm, interesting. Will look into that. :)
Some small additions and fixes:

  • Fixed that enhancers could be added to invalid classes,
  • Clicking on other creatures names will rerun the search with that creature instead,
  • Added an option to ignore limited weapons,
  • Added an option to ignore finding amplifiers,
  • Added the threat number (0-100) to the threat column so it can be sorted,
  • Minor UI changes.
Drunk 6 am update.

Added an option to ignore regen rate. Some loot theories indicate regen rate directly correlates to returns, and thus shouldn't be a factor when selecting a weapon to use.

Pay in mind though, that when using this option, the cost is not at all anywhere near the cost to actually kill the mob, but is rather a figure to compare against other weapons against the selected mob.

The regen rate is still considered when filtering weapons that are actually capable to kill the mob, so weapons that have a lower DPS than the mob regen rate are still not included in the result. Basically the cheapest weapon with the lowest average overkill will be the top scoring one.

Thanks to Vedder for the suggestion.
Threat is calculated as Entropedia does is: HP/10 * damage.

Isn't HP/10 = Stamina? ;)

I'm not exactly up-to-date with the times - but in olden days it was perceived (by me?) that when scanning a mob and multiplying its stamina * 10, we could "guess" its HP. I'm not sure if this info is valid anymore.
yes, that is correct. stamina/10 = HP
yes, that is correct. stamina/10 = HP

stamina*10 = HP

Interesting none the less. Could say threat then is stamina*damage, but many would probably not get the relation between stamina and HP.
  • Minor UI changes,
  • Added an option to ignore weapons with unknown skill requirements (only if profession levels are entered),
  • Added a delay to tool tips so they're not as annoying,
  • Added max hit profession and max damage profession to default columns,
  • Fixed amp decay from markup (cosmetic in details, does not affect cost value),
  • Fixed weapon decay from markup (cosmetic in details, does not affect cost value),
  • Fixed finisher filtering on type and class.

Added 15 new weapons discovered since 2012-11-21.

[0] => Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
[1] => Electric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
[2] => Emik Enigma L4 (L)
[3] => Enkidd Fang S.2 (L)
[4] => EWE LC-240 Recon (L)
[5] => EWE LC-300 Ambush (L)
[6] => Isis CB27 (L)
[7] => Isis CB32 (L)
[8] => Isis Project Zero-Seven (L)
[9] => Jonah's Wiles Destroyer
[10] => Katsuichi Glory Retro (L)
[11] => Kilic Kwel (L)
[12] => MarCorp Kallous-5 (L)
[13] => Omegaton ASG-12 Fletcher (L)
[14] => Starkhov LPR-3 (L)
  • Fixed HTML validation errors,
  • Added Cloudflare support.

Basically what Cloudflare does is that all they cache a lot of stuff, minimize and gzips the html and serve everything though their CDN, which consists of 24 CDNs worldwide. Load times have been reduced significantly with both minimizations and caching.

Previously, searching for all laser pistols and finding amplifiers and creatures would result in ~4,4 MB data being returned from the server in Sweden. Now the same search returns about ~670 KB of data from whatever CDN is closest to you.

Also they load all resources in parallel, further decreasing the load time (since the HTTP protocol only allows one resource to be downloaded at the same time).
Added 79 new weapons discovered since 2012-12-02:

[0] => a large trout (L)
[1] => CalyTrek CR Soul MK.II MM Edition (L)
[2] => CalyTrek CR Soul Mk.IV (L)
[3] => CalyTrek CR Spirit MK.III MM Edition (L)
[4] => Camo Arms Marine Predator (L)
[5] => Camo Arms Marine Stalker MM Edition (L)
[6] => Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 MM Edition (L)
[7] => Combustive Attack Nanochip V (L)
[8] => Corrosive Attack Nanochip II (L)
[9] => Corrosive Attack Nanochip III (L)
[10] => Corrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
[11] => Cryogenic Attack Nanochip II
[12] => Cryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
[13] => Cryogenic Attack Nanochip IV (L)
[14] => Dehera Immolation Sword
[15] => DOA Boneshatter (L)
[16] => Electric Attack Nanochip II (L)
[17] => Electric Attack Nanochip VI (L)
[18] => Electric Attack Nanochip VII (L)
[19] => Electric Attack Nanochip X (L)
[20] => Embra Spectral EnBlade MM Edition (L)
[21] => Emik Enigma L5 (L)
[22] => Emik S60 (L)
[23] => Emik S60 MM Edition (L)
[24] => Enkidd Dire S.2 (L)
[25] => Enkidd Dire S.3 (L)
[26] => Enkidd Dire S.6 (L)
[27] => Enkidd Fang S.3 (L)
[28] => Enkidd Howler S.1 (L)
[29] => EWE EP-53 Submission MM Edition (L)
[30] => EWE LC-100 Frontier
[31] => EWE LC-240 Recon MM Edition (L)
[32] => Fireforge FF43 (L)
[33] => Genesis ArcSpark (L)
[34] => Genesis Icerage MM Edition (L)
[35] => Genesis Sparkbite (L)
[36] => GeoTrek H42 Demonic (L)
[37] => GeoTrek LP34 Whirlwind (L)
[38] => Geotrek LR34 Aves (L)
[39] => GeoTrek LR47 Ursus (L)
[40] => Herman RAW-303 Smuggler
[41] => Herman RAW-404 Smuggler
[42] => Herman RAW-505 Smuggler
[43] => Herman SIR-30 Smuggler
[44] => Herman SIR-40 Smuggler
[45] => Herman SIR-50 Smuggler
[46] => Imperium Issue HK 700 (L)
[47] => Imperium Issue HK 1300 (L)
[48] => Imperium Officer XT
[49] => Imperium Pilot Scorpion Rank 4 (L)
[50] => Imperium Pilot Scorpion Rank 6 (L)
[51] => Imperium Pilot Scorpion Rank 13 (L)
[52] => Isis CB20 (L)
[53] => Isis HL4 (L)
[54] => Isis LC-35 MM Edition (L)
[55] => Isis Project Zero-Five (L)
[56] => Isis Project Zero-Three MM Edition (L)
[57] => Isis Project Zero-X(L)
[58] => Jester D-7 (L)
[59] => Katsuichi Destiny Retro (L)
[60] => Kinetic Attack Nanochip VII (L)
[61] => Kinetic Attack Nanochip X
[62] => Lacerating Attack Nanochip I
[63] => Lacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
[64] => Lacerating Attack Nanochip II
[65] => Lacerating Attack Nanochip X (L)
[66] => Lacerating Attack Nanochip XI (L)
[67] => MacMahon Vengeance (L)
[68] => Maddox IV GDC (L)
[69] => MarCorp Kallous-5 MM Edition (L)
[70] => MarCorp Kallous-6 (L)
[71] => Omegaton Igni L1011 (L)
[72] => Omegaton Igni L1011 MM Edition (L)
[73] => OmegaTrek P46 (L)
[76] => Prosecutor M5 (L)
[77] => SmallFry-2 Laser Rifle (L)
[78] => Starkhov LPR-20 (L)
  • The reset button did not work,
  • Added a skip list.

I found myself often writing long regex filters to only show the items that I was interested in comparing, so I added a skip list instead. Now you can search for a simple filter, e.g. the name filter "Justifier", and then just remove the irrelevant ones. The skip list is carried with the next search as well, so if you want to see the skipped weapons again, just remove them from the skip list.

Could I ask you to add B101 amp?


Added the B101 along with some others previously not included:

    [0] => Block Rocker BLP Amp Mk II (L) (29 dmg)
    [1] => Hotfoot 10 (L) (10 dmg)
    [2] => Hotfoot 20 (L) (24 dmg)
    [3] => Low Rider BLP Amp Mk I (L) (20 dmg)
    [4] => Low Rider BLP Amp Mk II (L) (44 dmg)
    [5] => Omegaton B101 (L) (1 dmg)
    [6] => Rage 10 (L) (9 dmg)
    [7] => Rage 20 (L) (22 dmg)
    [8] => Roadie BLP Amp Mk I (L) (2 dmg)
    [9] => Roadie BLP Amp Mk II (L) (5 dmg)
    [10] => Road-Monkey Laser Amp Mk I (L) (2 dmg)
    [11] => Road-Monkey Laser Amp Mk IV (L) (13 dmg)
    [12] => Shack-A-Lacka Laser Amp Mk II (L) (10 dmg)
    [13] => Teenie Weenie Laser Amp Mk II (L) (7 dmg)
Hi Scorch! Glad to see you're still enhancing this fantastic tool!

Take a look at this THREAD. Would it be possible to add in a toggleable layer (ie [x] Display BOND's theory columns) to show "theoretical possible" Min/Max and Multipliers values as well?

Might make for an interesting development for future data extrapolation.

Hi Scorch! Glad to see you're still enhancing this fantastic tool!

Take a look at this THREAD. Would it be possible to add in a toggleable layer (ie [x] Display BOND's theory columns) to show "theoretical possible" Min/Max and Multipliers values as well?

Might make for an interesting development for future data extrapolation.


Wow, that was some interesting reading. I'm gonna get on it right away! I have a thought about how to display the information, but please, when it's added, comment on it if there's more goodies that could be added (I only read Bond's post and a couple of randoms in the end of the thread, so I don't know the full story).

Also, fixed a bug:

  • Energy amplifiers can now be applied to plasma weapons, previously only worked for laser weapons.
Have now added an option to include "The Bond Theory". You can change the DPP and min loot values, but I recommend that the DPP is kept at 3. The min loot value is, as Bond said, not really verified, but seems close enough. Have also included a "profit" column in the result which will tell you how much you're wasting when you're hunting (if you get NO multipliers/globals). ;)

Have now added an option to include "The Bond Theory". You can change the DPP and min loot values, but I recommend that the DPP is kept at 3. The min loot value is, as Bond said, not really verified, but seems close enough. Have also included a "profit" column in the result which will tell you how much you're wasting when you're hunting (if you get NO multipliers/globals). ;)


Wow! You work fast! Amazing work (as usual)!! :)
Can't thank you enough Scorch..

I would like to return the favor someday, and if you could possibly clue me in to what needs to be tested to add more mobs and maturities regen info into your data, I would be glad to help out sometime..
Awesome work, both of you :)
Have now added an option to include "The Bond Theory". You can change the DPP and min loot values, but I recommend that the DPP is kept at 3. The min loot value is, as Bond said, not really verified, but seems close enough. Have also included a "profit" column in the result which will tell you how much you're wasting when you're hunting (if you get NO multipliers/globals). ;)


Hi, this is great!

One question, is if its -60% profit. Does that mean you will have a 40% return.. As i loot will 40 ped out of a 100 ped in theory?
Hi Rizzet,

it's the other way around.. you will get roughly a 60% return (as in you will lose 40 peds on the 100 ped hunt if no minis are looted)

hope that helps ;)

008 :cool: