Why do camper never get the big hof on the mob they camp?


Nov 12, 2005
Crimson devils
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Helene Helena Fra
Have you noticed???

50 to 70 % of the global on all very popular mob (Leviathan, fresco......) are made by a very few player that are constantly camping the mob trying to get a decent return

but EVERYTIME the mob finally ATH or uber, its NEVER for the people that were camping here, but some random guy u dont know where he came from, some are even suspicious to me.

Then u go watch the tracker of that guy, and u see it was its 2nd glob ever on the mob u and 10dudes camped for 3 months...

1 time can be just randomness/luck
2 time also
Everytime is more than suspicious

If the loots were random, if 50 % of the globs are did by 10 players, 50% of ath should be got by one of the 10 players.

Obviously loot is all but random

Thread should be renamed from

"Why do camper never get the big hof on the mob they camp?"


"Why do some campers never get the big hof on the mob they camp?"
Yup... I've always wondered that myself...

Why do some people buy lottery tickets their entire life and never win the lottery?

You want to loot system to be fair or unfair? You are asking for an unfair system...
I got 250 ped hof on shinkba hof halfway through the 5k mission. I know its peanuts 2 BAHQ, but its a low level mob, that i was hunting naked with a sollomate.
i killed over 40k trox before getting my 26k trox, and before that biggest hof i had on trox was 480ped. now doing scoria non stop at 2300/4800 and biggest hof so far is 800ish ped (not even a 100x multiplier) but i will continue on as i know u can only win if u play :p
Sadly enough, I have to agree on this one.
My spider ATH was within the 1st 100 kills of the quest. After getting bad loot on basicly all mobs I did a rare hunt on them.
Then there's the kreltin ATH, I was still working on aurli's & had about 800 of them to go, all previous ones I did in d1.
Again, loot started to suck & I switched dome for 1 run.
Sadly enough, I have to agree on this one.
My spider ATH was within the 1st 100 kills of the quest. After getting bad loot on basicly all mobs I did a rare hunt on them.
Then there's the kreltin ATH, I was still working on aurli's & had about 800 of them to go, all previous ones I did in d1.
Again, loot started to suck & I switched dome for 1 run.

most of my globals and my singular hof were when I switched mob or was attacked by a mob I wasn't hunting.

I've camped mobs in the past, on $50 a month limit that isn't long and I can only think of a couple of occasions where I've globaled on them. Once with daikiba and then atrax which I used to hunt at Atrax beach.

Nothing since those which were over 3 years ago when I dropped right down the mob ladder to noobs mobs using only a tt enblade-a and even though I've hunted only 3 specific mobs, a few near misses though.
I camp during iron challenges a lot.

Ones I've globaled well on were LT's/SB's.

All other mobs, are very bad indeed.
I had a couple hundred globals on hogglo during the SGA, once i hit a 3k hof of just oils and junk and the rest were all under 500 ped

Etopia showed up for a couple hours globaled twice and walked away with the hl18 sga

So i dunno what the truth of it is, but from my experience beginners luck definitely counts
I got 5 x Maxwins with hunting- all during my camping

1 x Ambuli -->22 K
1x Feff--> 10 K
3 X Tantillion -->like 3x3 K
Yes its a bit fucked up to camp a mob. But i won't camp a mob except if they drop a shitload markup then its no point to lose and hope for UBER.

One more thing since we talk about big hofs.... since before mayhem MA changed something in hunting. Loots over 10k drop very rare and they are like 20-25% less then normal. Also same with hofs on drone and argo. I remember most of drone 01 hofs were 800 peds now ive seen many 6xx. In mining lots of 10-20k each weekend...
My largest hunting hof is from something i was camping, and killed more then 100,000 in total. Which is FAR more then any other type of creature for me. There are a few types of creatures ive killed 30,000 of and gotten nothing from(my argonaut iron+bronze was pathetic). But my largest hof IS off my most killed mob, that i camped for the better part of a year.

The problem is big multiplier hofs are rare. If you havent killed at least 100,000 of one type of critter you havent killed anywhere near enough to expect any kind of large multiplier loot. Not that you are going to get a large hof if you kill 100k, its just a nice round nubmer to quote, you may not, you may get several, its still random.

However, the people who kill 10s or 100s of thousands of a specific mob are in the minority. The total number of kills of said mob will be many many times higher then that. It only makes sense that its going to go to someone who isnt camping the mob, because people who aren't camping account for the majority of the kills overall.
It depends what you mean by campers. If you mean for example the top 5 on the ET on a mob or someone who just drove through the iron + possibly bonze mission.

I have found some hofs in feffoid, and thats the only mobs I can say I have camped.
Why don't people understand math?

Here's a chart I made from about a year ago.

Your probability of hitting the ATH is very low.
Observer bias? The examples you remember are the ones who aren't campers?
Why do camper never get the big hof on the mob they camp?

You dont have to Camp. Go rush X2 and plant the bomb
Camp And You Will Be Slain !!

Rechinul: Fire in the Hole!
Rechinul: Get in position and wait for my GO!
my biggest loot was from a mob i camped

and it seems if you grind the same thing day in and day out and suddenly make a change it can trigger an event.
Over 800 Globals (tracker in incorrect cause is misses many,many globals on NI) on Vulcan Drake and one 7.5k , remember its a 6500-8000hp mob (depend on maturity).

Costs close to 23-28ped a kill , call that camping !..im on break atm for a few weeks cause im so upset with the hunting loots lately (compared to mining.crafting), ive lost over 3000USD in less than 5 weeks so i need a break.

Over 700 globals on Aurli nothing over 1200ped (was a majestic) and only 1 uber

Ambu i camped for so long finally dropped 16kped after many years
Trox the same many years camping and finally 19k.

So theres your facts - eventually they will loot , but you will go broke and have to deposit double the amount in $$ before you do
