What is the dumbest thing you keep doing in game?

Nov 18, 2011
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Sunsout Tacotuesday Gunsout
Let's hear some funny stuff! The more mundane or meaningless, the better.

So for me, last night after the Black Hawks game, I was a little drunk, and I don't even know how I did it, but I managed to reset my key config for the second time in a year. If I wanted to try to do it on purpose, I wouldn't even know how...but now twice I still managed to do it. :)

Other things that I do that piss me off sooooo much are:

- When I go to use TP chip, I accidentally click somewhere off the map and then hit "use" thinking my dot was still where I wanted to go, but it moved to some random edge of the TP radius, and I sent to bumble-fuck Egypt and usually in the wrong direction of where I wanted to go.

- The other is when I go to refine, and I click a little to low and it clears the refiner and then I have to drag it again into the refiner. Lol, it sounds so trivial, but every time I do it, I'm like "WTF??? @%@%$#^$*%*#".

So lets hear about your dumb mistakes. And don't say "depositing", it's cliche and won't be funny :)
A lot of times I will fire up my TP chip after a hunt and instead of clicking the nearest tp where I want to go to, I click my final destination tp (cnd lagoon, or Twins, etc...) so instead of landing near the TP that I could use to go where I want, I end up on the side of a mountain or in the middle of a sea of red dots without ammo.
1 day for auction instead of 7 every bloody time lol :p
tp-ing out from shop to huntinggrounds,try to shoot and realize i forgot to buy ammo

1 day for auction instead of 7 every bloody time lol :p

A lot of times I will fire up my TP chip after a hunt and instead of clicking the nearest tp where I want to go to, I click my final destination tp (cnd lagoon, or Twins, etc...) so instead of landing near the TP that I could use to go where I want, I end up on the side of a mountain or in the middle of a sea of red dots without ammo.

I do all those things too...a lot.

And selling on Au to an order and forgetting to select Buy Out, so then I have to go pull the 1 day au off and try to resell again :)
i never set up a config key panel thingie..

after 6 years of game..

A friend came one day to my house and he tried to teach it to me.

So now i got one icone set up.(ek2600)

But i won't organize more than 1 key.

TTing fruit/stone/dung/sweat/nova/blazar
Hitting big claims unamped :(
Crafting. I think it'll get better, but it doesn't.
Typing my Gold card number, in the password box.

Drop keyboard, turn off all hud and chat windows.

Flying into space, with a dead thruster, or low oil.
i keep assuming people will someday start to use their head and think for themselves, but as long as the fundamental need to belong to a group is stronger than the ability to think for oneself and do whats right i cant see this changing anytime soon.

as far as ingame activies, nr1 stupid thing is still to chase that hof.... :)
I have sometimes tried to use a TP then click and use my TP chip instead and select the city I want to go to and click to TP.:dunce:

I end up having to TP back to the TP I was at then use it to get where I wanted to go.:D

Oh and putting things on loan in banks thinking I can get that HOF to pay and get it all back out.:hammer:
tp-ing out from shop to huntinggrounds,try to shoot and realize i forgot to buy ammo

Yup and forgetting to attach amp to my gun ;)
I would say TP-ing to where I want to hunt but forgot to buy ammo.
I'm so lazy to fap and I always die!! and buying ammo.
For me it's thinking things will get better, when they actually get worse

And repair amp after a run
TT´ing weapon amps (beasts and a104 mostly) have tt´ed more than 10 amps last year by mistake.
Having an internal bet with myself that the mob health bar will go down before mine does, not fapping to see whether me or the mob dies first and invariably dying - when one click of the fap would have saved me - then realising that the revive is at least 2 tp jumps away from a nearly dead mob and then having to heal - do 2 tp jumps and finding that the mob has regenerated half its health. It's abugger

Selling items on auction without checking how many of the item is already for sale
Keep forgetting that a gun requires ammo :scratch2:
Logging in on monday, and having an expectation about the CLD payout. Silly thing: I have more CLD than before, but the total payout has become less :s
Yup and forgetting to attach amp to my gun ;)

Argh' this happens to me in every hunt it takes about 5-10 mobs for me to realize that I forgot to put it on
The most annoying this I probably do at least once a day is starting to type without having hit enter during a hunt

All kinds of windows pops up and confuses me, sometimes kills me because I can't reach my fap lol

Imagine it... Start typing "Entropia Universe" without having the chat box open, all sorts of things gets thrown in your face :yay::lolup:
The most annoying this I probably do at least once a day is starting to type without having hit enter during a hunt

All kinds of windows pops up and confuses me, sometimes kills me because I can't reach my fap lol

Imagine it... Start typing "Entropia Universe" without having the chat box open, all sorts of things gets thrown in your face :yay::lolup:

Happens here alot too :)

Also tt-d my a104 once by accident too hehe
keept depositing and thinking that with all that ped I cycle i will soon be one of the guys who keeps hoffing big :eyecrazy:

350k peds later and only a total value of 55-70k ped ingame I feel that I just dont want to play anymore...
Ok in game...
I did some weird stuff in game. Like forgetting to buy ammo and teleporting to my hunting grounds.
Recently I got a new keyboard that is smaller than my old one. Hit the fap key instead of my main
weapon and turn on auto use tool. :silly2:

Outside the game...
Recently forgot to turn off the stick on my wheelchair and bumped it with my elbow.
Then looked in panic how my desk moved away from me in the middle of a hunt. :lolup: