Why ban cheaters?

.............and that was short lived.

.............and that was short lived.


So continue to be a plate.

We have seen you a thousand times before.

It is hard to argue and easy to just be *cool*.

Enjoy a life of anonymity and talking to retarded players, in game or in life.

You get to choose. Which is great.
There is, as ever, more to it than that.

Menace forgot his username and tried to live up to it.

I think it is a mistake to ban anyone, and I do mean anyone, but an in game criminal.

It is never a good idea to ban people who want to use your service; as long as they are not trying to abuse it.

But this is another issue.

Banning Menace is like McDonalds banning a fat guy.

I think it depends on if its a paying fat guy.. or just some dude eating up all your product/profits/wasting time/space
I think it depends on if its a paying fat guy.. or just some dude eating up all your product/profits/wasting time/space

There is an element of truth here Raven, but also, is it wise to take the fat man out of your shop?
People don't care about Menace because he actually lost PED doing his exploiting (if I remember correctly)

But when people hear about exploiters actually having success, they get mad.

Anger should be directed towards MA for not fixing these glitches fast enough, not towards exploiters. It's only a game. People think RCE makes this game equatable to real life. Wrong. It's a game. It's the internet. We have anonymity. People will exploit unless there are severe consequences. And you can't blame them for it. Anyone who says they wouldn't do the same thing if there were no consequences is lying.

You call it "stealing" from MA? Oh my, I had no idea you cared so passionately for MA. Spare me.

MA needs to take a firm stance on their policy with exploiters. This black box method of discipline is clearly not pleasing anyone.

However, whipping out the pitchforks and calling for perma-bans just makes you sound like a bitter, petulant child.

"Don't hate the players, hate the game."


Never did like those caps.

All of the above deserves a simple response: think simply and die just as easily.

Menace was never a favourite player of mine, but he was a player.

Most people dissing him never knew what he gave.
To all those who say exploiting = "Stealing from other players"...

Tell me, what do you call looting in space or in a lootable PvP zone? Is that also stealing? Should those players be perma-banned too?

Yes, that IS stealing, by definition. But it is MA sanctioned stealing. You're fine with that, right? So clearly, you've got nothing against stealing in itself. What are you really upset about?

You're upset that other people are profiting from exploits, and you're not. Because you either missed the opportunity or you don't have the balls to risk getting banned.
Because you either missed the opportunity or you don't have the balls to risk getting banned.

Missed the opportunity - hardly. I posted about the issue very early so many people who could read were aware and could took advantage.

Don't have the balls - people being honest are cowards. Got it.

You're going very strong here. How many old grannies did you knock over at your local mall to steal their 5 dollar lunch? Don't you have balls, or something?
You're still hiding behind this flimsy facade of ethics? Like I've already said, if you think stealing is fine (Lootable PvP), then the hypocrisy is all too obvious. You just don't like it when people steal from you.

I do believe a great many of you are genuinely concerned about the welfare of the game. But rather than being civil about it, many chose to jump up and down and furiously demand perma-bans.

To me it sounds like the equivalent of demanding the death penalty to someone who cheats on a Math test.
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You're still hiding behind this flimsy facade of ethics? Like I've already said, if you think stealing is fine (Lootable PvP), then the hypocrisy is all too obvious. You just don't like it when people steal from you.

what the fuck r u talking about... pvp is a completely separate issue... its actually built into the game to be used as intended

we may want to avoid it and not like it or participate but it is a feature. clear

trapping is cheating.. clear.
You're still hiding behind this flimsy facade of ethics? Like I've already said, if you think stealing is fine (Lootable PvP), then the hypocrisy is all too obvious. You just don't like it when people steal from you.

You know, just because you have shabby ethics you should not assume others have it too.

Find a post of me agreeing with looting in space - I DO think is stealing sanctioned by MA, as they do not offer an alternative path (i.e. traveling to other planets, even without stackables, on a non-pvp route, just for the cost of oil, thruster decay and landing fee). For sure I'm not alone thinking the same, you should read some pirating threads.

People did not steal from me, but from others. I could easily cancel my on-going withdrawal, buy a nice gun even not maxed and go rampant inside the instances. Hell, I could went on Monria and triple my money, even.

If all of us would be nasty exploiting everything and thinking about it as an opportunity, this world would be even more shittier than it is.

Some very upset people in threads are honest people and, unlike me, they spend quite a dime in this game. Stop putting them all in the same basket because you think none can be honest but are enraged just because they could not take advantage.

You know, true story, I found a wallet full of money in an airport once, and went to give it to the information desk lady. No idea what she did with it, I was in a hurry to catch a connection, and I did not do it for a reward nor in RL nor in other place I do not believe in.

Also I stole a toy from a kid when I was a kid. It felt good, at the time. I did it again, once - both kids were bastards anyway. Happy?
This is funny...

People don't care about Menace because he actually lost PED doing his exploiting (if I remember correctly)

...yes you do remember correctly...Menace stated that he actually lost peds trapping...thats hilarious...what is it with people and information deciphering in here...as an intelligent assessor of information you can neither a) accept data from an unscrupulous reporter or b) accept incomplete information as evidence of a result...:smash:

To all those who say exploiting = "Stealing from other players"...

Tell me, what do you call looting in space or in a lootable PvP zone? Is that also stealing? Should those players be perma-banned too?

Yes, that IS stealing, by definition. But it is MA sanctioned stealing. You're fine with that, right? So clearly, you've got nothing against stealing in itself. What are you really upset about?

You're upset that other people are profiting from exploits, and you're not. Because you either missed the opportunity or you don't have the balls to risk getting banned.

This is a valid point...if this is really a community and a real cash ecomony we can have some control over...in a normal community there would be recourse for pirating activity....yes you could still do it but the community would have recourse to address it...here there is none...IMO that IS what needs to change...I dont have a problem with theft being allowed in here as long as the community is given a pathway to address it through proper channels that are effective...not just defriending and flaming in forums...and you say pirating is a different issue entirely...no its not...they are interrelated...it is OBVIOUS to me and it has to be obvious to almost everyone else that MA has intentionally introduced the element of lootable PVP in order to attract a certain element of player...through my wicked awesome ability to magically imaginate I would presume that this element is also prone to exploit but I dont know, maybe thats just the pessimist in me...get rid of it and youll get less of both or allow serious community recourse against it...LIKE REAL LIFE...:twocents:

...or maybe make a fake game in virtual world better than real life...like if daisies would grow out of our asses that would just seem swell...

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Lol, it was a callous assumption on my part, but it supports the overall point I'm trying to make.

Which is the hypocrisy of these people crying "ethics this, and ethics that", yet simultaneously calling for extremely disproportionate punishment (perma-bans), rather than directing even an ounce of energy towards something constructive.
...yes you do remember correctly...Menace stated that he actually lost peds trapping...thats hilarious...what is it with people and information deciphering in here...as an intelligent assessor of information you can neither a) accept data from an unscrupulous reporter or b) accept incomplete information as evidence of a result...:smash:


I apologize if I misinterpret this post. That happens on the internet.

Yet it seems you are dissing a big investor of the game without thinking why they banned him.

I never liked the guy. Chipper ( never did like that ).

Arrogant dickhead ( never did like that either ).

But in spite of all that he was a player and a gamer.

He got very pissed off because off all those peds he spent he did not get some regular or bigass return.

I cannot argue with that and as a business person he had a point, as much as he and I hated each other on the forums.

You have to think what he gave as opposed to what he wanted.

He got a bad deal.

Not smart for an online RCE. At all.
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We should go ahead and ban anyone that ever trapped and sweated Berycled and Snablesnot at Camp Phoenix 8 years ago as well. They should all be perma-banned, I don't care how much they've deposited since then. Cheating is cheating. :sweat:
We should go ahead and ban anyone that ever trapped and sweated Berycled and Snablesnot at Camp Phoenix 8 years ago as well. They should all be perma-banned, I don't care how much they've deposited since then. Cheating is cheating. :sweat:

Did you, as child, kill an insect?

Did you, as an adult, do something important.

There can be no comparison between the stupid shit you have illustrated ( Berys and Snables lol ) and a player of renown.

I will stop you being the president of your country because you stole gum from a child.


Why are you making black = white?

I don't even like the player, but I cannot allow him to be seen as a criminal. Why do you ?
To all those who say exploiting = "Stealing from other players"...

Tell me, what do you call looting in space or in a lootable PvP zone? Is that also stealing? Should those players be perma-banned too?

Yes, that IS stealing, by definition. But it is MA sanctioned stealing. You're fine with that, right? So clearly, you've got nothing against stealing in itself. What are you really upset about?

You're upset that other people are profiting from exploits, and you're not. Because you either missed the opportunity or you don't have the balls to risk getting banned.

It's a big difference. PvP is part of the game and part of the rules. If you are entering lootable pvp you can get looted by other players, it's part of the game and role playing . No one breaks the rules. Exploited bugs are against the rule and ethics of the game and if someone do it systematically it should be punished.
So you are willing to give....

I apologize if I misinterpret this post. That happens on the internet.

Yet it seems you are dissing a big investor of the game without thinking why they banned him.

I never liked the guy. Chipper ( never did like that ).

Arrogant dickhead ( never did like that either ).

But in spite of all that he was a player and a gamer.

He got very pissed off because off all those peds he spent he did not get some regular or bigass return.

I cannot argue with that and as a business person he had a point, as much as he and I hated each other on the forums.

You have to think what he gave as opposed to what he wanted.

He got a bad deal.

Not smart for an online RCE. At all.

...a big investor in the game a pass on following the rules...this is why the 'community' can get nowhere..

...a big investor in the game a pass on following the rules...this is why the 'community' can get nowhere..


Not at all.

He made some stupid mistakes which came to 6/12 peds.

He added to this came some 250k+

He understands the difference..

We are not in a game of morality/ I begged and scammed as a nub when I knew nothing. But anyone would help me now.

We cannot afford to be fake cheap pseudo-Christians in this life - online or otherwise - to make ourselves feel good.

Too easy and it gets us nowhere.

He is no scammer. Nor am I.

Did you, as child, kill an insect?

Did you, as an adult, do something important.

There can be no comparison between the stupid shit you have illustrated ( Berys and Snables lol ) and a player of renown.

I will stop you being the president of your country because you stole gum from a child.


Why are you making black = white?

I don't even like the player, but I cannot allow him to be seen as a criminal. Why do you ?

So basically, what you're saying (If I understand correctly) is that cheating in EU only matters if it involves a lot of money.

This implies that all the "justice-seekers" are motivated primarily by greed, not ethics.

Thank you for making my point for me. :wtg:
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So basically, what you're saying (If I understand correctly) is that cheating in EU only matters if it involves money.

This implies that all the "justice-seekers" are motivated primarily by greed, not ethics.

Thank you for making my point for me. :wtg:


If you ever read what I saw, I always hated this guy. Arrogant chipper and bigheaded guy.

But I am defending him because he invested a great deal into this game and his stupid so-called crimes mean shit in the scheme of things in a game we all want to play.

This does not mean I condone stealing.

I once begged for peds and kill-stealed some Daikibas. I am also guilty.

But one has to have a perspective.

Am I trustworthy IRL or ingame? ask my fl.

Is this guy being wrongly banned? ask his fl.

Do we all need to change? probably. I do not have the whole story, but I think it is always easier to hate than think. And this comes from one who NEVER had a good word for this guy, or he for I.

I think everyone ITT is just frustrated with bad lewts and they're looking for someone to blame.


I think everyone ITT is just frustrated with bad lewts and they're looking for someone to blame.



I agree he was pissed off with bad loots and, for me, this a point of agreement. Which makes he and I akin.

So where do you and I agree? Nowhere at all.

After 50 000 ped investment myself I understand it. You should learn to see your enemies from your friends.

What did we bring to the game is the ultimate question.

Is this guy being wrongly banned? ask his fl.

So....just for example...a man is accused of murder...you ask his friends if he should be rotting in prison and thats your proof of goodness? The facts are the facts...the rules are the rules...dont put any money ingame you cant flush down the toilet...but otherwise I agree with ur post...MA does have some degree of fiduciary responsibility to deliver a good product that maintains value to us...

and...we agree on chipping...i see why people like it but at this point anyway I feel it is a bastardization of the system...I like knowing that my skills on my ava are all natural..no scars...but itll never go away nor do i want it too...gives ubers a profit motive to stay in...

So....just for example...a man is accused of murder...you ask his friends if he should be rotting in prison and thats your proof of goodness? The facts are the facts...the rules are the rules...dont put any money ingame you cant flush down the toilet...but otherwise I agree with ur post...MA does have some degree of fiduciary responsibility to deliver a good product that maintains value to us...

and...we agree on chipping...i see why people like it but at this point anyway I feel it is a bastardization of the system...I like knowing that my skills on my ava are all natural..no scars...but itll never go away nor do i want it too...gives ubers a profit motive to stay in...


But he is no murderer. just some guy who spent 250 000 or more probably on keeping this game alive.

He did some stupid small scale robberies on small nubs , which is not cool or acceptable, the noobs have to live.

He also got pissed off that his massive investment was not rewarded. I think he never expected to get a good return but some, and got pissed off he got a less than decent return on his big mobs.

For me, that is BAD business. I mean, imagine running a business where most of you customers were pissed off. Good business sense?



I hated this player and if I saw him IRL we would come to blows, but he was also correct.

Who are we to judge.

just some guy who spent 250 000 or more probably on keeping this game alive.

He did some stupid small scale robberies on small nubs , which is not cool or acceptable, the noobs have to live.

He also got pissed off that his massive investment was not rewarded. I think he never expected to get a good return but some, and got pissed off he got a less than decent return on his big mobs.

For me, that is BAD business. I mean, imagine running a business where most of you customers were pissed off. Good business sense?.

...if said player bought a new vehicle at the dealership for $35,000 and had to sell it the next day for $30,000 should said player be upset at the dealership? the automanufacturer? themself? the individual he sold it to? You are buying a product that delivers a unique 'reality'...its not a disc u stick in your PS4 with no ability to develop a character or interact with others in unique ways...specialized items are limited in availability(mostly)...some are unique...theres a reason people like this game over others...MA understands they cannot give 0% return...their job to figure out what is best return to keep most players and they still make profits and I would guarantee you they have good actuarians figuring this out on a month to month or quarter to quarter basis...otherwise they are giving away too much or not giving away enuff to keep players happy...neither my happiness nor your sadness are evidence of either situation...merely anecdotes...

There are ways to play the game and profit...'playing' the game is not one of them by definition of averages...invest in CLD...encourage others to invest in CLD theres only so many...dont invest in shit items until you have enuff CLD to play AND afford them...for 250k ped 1 year ago you could have owned ~200 CLD...payout ~800 ped a week, 42kped a year...thatll buy a nice setup...for free basically...not counting MU on CLD now from then...
But he is no murderer. just some guy who spent 250 000 or more probably on keeping this game alive.

He did some stupid small scale robberies on small nubs , which is not cool or acceptable, the noobs have to live.

He also got pissed off that his massive investment was not rewarded. I think he never expected to get a good return but some, and got pissed off he got a less than decent return on his big mobs.

For me, that is BAD business. I mean, imagine running a business where most of you customers were pissed off. Good business sense?



I hated this player and if I saw him IRL we would come to blows, but he was also correct.

Who are we to judge.

You're delusional, judge that whity mc hair guy.
To all those who say exploiting = "Stealing from other players"...

Tell me, what do you call looting in space or in a lootable PvP zone? Is that also stealing? Should those players be perma-banned too?

Yes, that IS stealing, by definition. But it is MA sanctioned stealing. You're fine with that, right? So clearly, you've got nothing against stealing in itself. What are you really upset about?

You're upset that other people are profiting from exploits, and you're not. Because you either missed the opportunity or you don't have the balls to risk getting banned.

Ur experience in game dont let u understand that part about pvp! U dont understand that when u try to enter in an toxic area like pvp4 u need something like a toxic shot and if u take it u know what ur doing, and u know what ur putting in risk! dont think its same think as exploit and kill mobs that ur gear and skill lvl dont let u do it! So before replies try to understand how it works!

About Menace, if MA temp ban him so he was abusing system, or they apply same rules as they did before or at least be fair and unlock that guy that at some years ago got an ATH on spiders for trapping, thats what i'm talking about Justice for same abuse same punishment!
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Who in their right mind would want to invest in a game that is full of scammers, thieves, cheats?

There's no shortage of folks who want to make a living "playing a game"... even if it's proven to be pretty much impossible for most...