Star's Hunting Log


Jun 4, 2005
Michigan, USA
Dark Templar
Avatar Name
Jenna "Star" Mercury
My fellow Entropians,

I plan to post profit/losses from hunting here from now on. I am not doing this to get better or worse loot. I will do this as accurately as possible. There won't be any forgetting to post enhancers or rounding. Whatever the results, I'll attempt to keep it going. I will attempt to do some runs with and without enhancers as well.

Some of the hunting will be on my stream @

I hope you'll all follow me there and join me in my journey.

Gear in use is as follows (will change in thread as it changes):
Imp Strikehammer (Tier 9) + Mod Evil Amp + 2xSE900 Lasers + 3500RS Scope
Carramone Armor (Tier 2) + 8A SGA Armor plates (6A and 5A used as well sometimes)
MLME (Tier 6) + Dante Amp + 2xSE900 Lasers + 3500RS Scope
Vampiric Cloak of Vitality (+12 HP)
Modified Athenic and Improved Ares ring
Hedoc M-600 Fap (Tier 2) + Typically a Mod fapper behind (Paid 60/hour)
CDF XTLC 1000 (Tier 6) + a106 Amp + 2xSE900 Lasers + 3500RS Scope
Arson Chip (Tier 6)

Gear Updates:
After Run 4
Modified Tegretov (Tier 6) + Dante Amp + 2xSE900 Lasers + 3500 RS Scope

Near End of Run 10
Added Athenic Ring Augmented and Ares Ring Modified

Notable Avatar Statistics (at start of thread):
162.7071 BLP Sniper Hit
154.3163 Laser Sniper Hit
153.6792 Ranged BLP DMG
138.6957 Ranged Laser DMG
103.0380 Evader
100.3282 Dodger
98.3761 Paramedic
352.2 Health (+12 from Cloak = 364.2 HP)
20564.3 Rifle
11319.1 Kill Strike
10017.3 Evade
7953.2 Dodge
645846 Total Skills

For better or for worse, til death do us part...Stay tuned!
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Current +/-
Overall Return wo/MU to Date = -8447.43 PED
Overall Return w/MU to Date = 7079.91 PED
Ammunition Used to Date: 157500 PED
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Items and HoFs over 5k here (will try to screenshot in future):

Omegaton a106 Amp (Warrior Commanders)

14676 (Daspletor Alpha)
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i have to ask..why the laser/scopes ?
i have to ask..why the laser/scopes ?

I guess I'm a moron. :) I just do it because of the superstition that there's a point to them. Usually it is the MK2 sight/scope too (not listed).
Good luck and ... I am jealous only about ur dodge level :lolup:

better start using mk2 scopes instead of that
and change this junk amp "a106 Amp" to a proper improved 204 or hyper.Also try using some 3.00 dmg/pec setup and get rid of high decay armors , you won't recover the decay from that setup unless high markup.
better start using mk2 scopes instead of that
and change this junk amp "a106 Amp" to a proper improved 204 or hyper.Also try using some 3.00 dmg/pec setup and get rid of high decay armors , you won't recover the decay from that setup unless high markup.

I use mk2 scope and sight 99% of the time, just not today. As for the 106, the gun I don't use most of the time and not everyone wants to spend 34k on an amp in a market of downward prices.

Neat name btw, nice post you sound very intelligent about EU!
Subscribe :yup: :popcorn: GL!!!!

Best of Luck ! :):)
Will this be a monthly updated thread too like smilgs's?
Shame you didnt post it when it was good time for your avatar. Now when you on bad time, its looks like one more "crying" thread. :silly2:

162.7071 BLP Sniper Hit
154.3163 Laser Sniper Hit
153.6792 Ranged BLP DMG
138.6957 Ranged Laser DMG
103.0380 Evader
100.3282 Dodger
98.3761 Paramedic
352.2 Health (+12 from Cloak = 364.2 HP)
20564.3 Rifle
11319.1 Kill Strike
10017.3 Evade
7953.2 Dodge
645846 Total Skills

Question - did you chip out lot of KS, Evade, Dodge, or did you chip in a lot other skills that got effect on Evader, Dodger, HP and HIT/DMG profesions? As it is unbalanced a lot.
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Moe's Luck Service

Perhaps you want to hire me for 100 ped an hour for luck service.

The concept of my service is pretty simple you bring me along you get lucky I will do a full vodoo ritual to other nearby hunters (as long as they are not soc mates or friends) and will statisticly improve your loot chances with 2-10% (however for more accurate stats more volume of this service is needed) and make nearby hunters distracted with taunts and vodoo.

Contact me if you have any question about my Luck Service!

Jon Moe Snow
Very interested to see what kind of returns you get with that gear and skills. Subscribing.
Will this be a monthly updated thread too like smilgs's?

Nah, I'll update it every 5 runs.

Shame you didnt post it when it was good time for your avatar. Now when you on bad time, its looks like one more "crying" thread. :silly2:

Question - did you chip out lot of KS, Evade, Dodge, or did you chip in a lot other skills that got effect on Evader, Dodger, HP and HIT/DMG profesions? As it is unbalanced a lot.

I have chipped out about 10 HP of commando when I was around 260 HP. I sold it for 50k% and bought a set of supremacy with it. Evader wise, I think I ate some Quickness and Intuition. The evade and dodge are natural. Also, I'm sure I chipped in some other stuff but atm I'd say Star is about 5-10% chipped in and 5% chipped out in some areas.

Oh and you'll cry too after you see my returns so far... :)
Subscribing and good luck!
Looks like it worked out. :yup:

Jokes aside, when are we getting the first update?
better start using mk2 scopes instead of that
and change this junk amp "a106 Amp" to a proper improved 204 or hyper.Also try using some 3.00 dmg/pec setup and get rid of high decay armors , you won't recover the decay from that setup unless high markup.

This tread can be closed now.
Daspletor Alpha 14 676 PED
If you need big loot do what he did , always works with MA.

take THAT Star, ya noob! that guy sure showed you! Learn EU please! duhhh :dunce::lolup:
This tread can be closed now.
Daspletor Alpha 14 676 PED
If you need big loot do what he did , always works with MA.

Yes, do what he did, lose over 15k first.
I guess someone was watching your stream :laugh:
Will post later today most likely. Watching my little girl and she's not allowed on the stream. :)
I cant wait too have those kind of skills........ it will happen. when im 50:laugh:
Good kuck maybe paybacktime started for you now