Question: What’s happenned to Deathifier?


Feb 15, 2009
Gaia, Portugal
Avatar Name
Aleph Levi Benzait
When I got the daily hispidus mission, I used to go to OLA #36 (NE from Solfais Crater TP) where I would find low maturity mobs. I went there today, after a long break, for the said mission and I was surprised for the hispidus extremely low numbers so I went and check the creature management terminal: no fertilizer, but that was not all that got me surprised.

I’ve always known this LA as belonging to Zachurm Deathifier Emegen, but today it has MindArk Official Annex as its owner. No custom message, and it’s all managed by MA official, except the shed that still belongs to Deathifier.

Arriving at Solfais TP, I remembered that OLA #35 was also Deathifiers and went there to check it out. Same thing, no custom message and it’s all managed by MindArk Official Annex (except for the shed).

Went down to OLA #34 (Chilled Hogglo and Maffoid TP) and no custom message again. So supposing it’s the same thing, used to have Deathifier as a owner and now MA Official Annex.

Even TI has Annex as the manager of Treasure Island Lake Display Area #2.

What’s the story with Deathifiers LA’s (or ex-LA's)? Was there any official communication about these LA’s that I missed out?
Shady stuff as usual :)
Maybe treasure Island will be next share sale like CP
The sheds are still owned by him which seems odd
there's some info on EP


this will be interesting, maybe MA will show us their interpretation of proprietorship!
there's some info on EP


did you really make me open that cancerforum only to find that this 'info' about it is literally you necroing a year old post stating nothing more than OP did here? lol
He hit puberty and dicovered something called outdoors...
Wasnt / isnt he trying to sue Arkadia? That's the last i vaguely remember reading.

(probably completely wrong)


Wasnt / isnt he trying to sue Arkadia? That's the last i vaguely remember reading.

(probably completely wrong)



Correct, he was trying to sue Arkadia or CEO of Arkadia. Don't know what the outcome of that was.

These are totally new developments though, he no longer owns his LA's on Calypso.

Has anyone checked if he still owns his LA's on Arkadia?
Well, there was no fertilizer on Deathifiers LAs long long time befor Mr Mindark Annex took the LAs from him.

Surprisingly its something a few people in this comunity wanted to happen.

I always was against such drastic steps against LA owners that refuse to manage (add fertilizer) their LAs.

Someone checked if the Dasp domes are Annex aswell or is it just a step against Deathifier and not all non managed LAs.
Well, there was no fertilizer on Deathifiers LAs long long time befor Mr Mindark Annex took the LAs from him.

not true according to op he used to hunt on hispidus LA without any issues until now. So suggests LA's may not have been taken by force but via some kind of agreement
not true according to op he used to hunt on hispidus LA without any issues until now. So suggests LA's may not have been taken by force but via some kind of agreement

No he does not claime that!

Well he said it himself.

I went there today, after a long break

It must have been a really long break, as this Deathifer vs MA trouble goes already some years, and he reallly didn´t fertilize any of his LAs since THE EGG trouble.
more interestingly I don't see a deathifier in character search from the mail window
Nothing official afaik, but Deathifier did post to EU several days after the last post in this topic (May 20th).
The EP topic "Is Deathifier still around?" is oldie from 2016, but it was necro'd when this topic appeared.

If you visit there, then perhaps leave any comments there on EP forum, since there's no answers found here.

Why Deathifier no longer owns the Treasure Island and the rest of his own lands?
Anyone know it?
Interestingly Deathifier was seen online recently , but he claims he didn't log in himself. Source: ep
Wasn't him losing it (they offered the company's shares as compensation) the very reason for the litigation? All 8-coins belongs to Ark nowadays.

o sheet . was that deathifier there too? well, it would be hard to take a compensation for something you bought that was taken back. on the other hand he made lots, like a bandit, let it go, yo.
The problem is the actual legal status of such deeds and how is this related to the litigation itself.

There are two separate issues:

- a copyright conflict with Arkadia owner Dave Dobson (not very sure on the exact object of friction, I *think* is the design of Scoria mob); this is heavily intertwined with the fact that Deathifier was a prelaunch investor in Arkadia and his deal with Dobson in this regard; wether either of the parties considers/considered 8c (more than)(not)enough in fulfilling (un)recognized benefits from their deal etc

- a conflict with MindArk through its subsidiary First Planet Calypso in regards to the "Egg" development and subsequent introduction of the Feffox mob and the not-exclusivity of said mob to TI (which was not promised to being with, this was an ingame event, not a contract, hard to make a conclusion)

The appearance of TI mobs such as Letomies, Furror, Frescoquda and SEG in other natural spawns is NOT connected to this, the initial deal of buying TI should be checked because, if I remember correctly, specific mobs were exclusive to TI for a set period of time (10 years). But then there are Minerbots, still exclusive to TI. Hogglos and Globsters are separate from this, those were mobs introduced by Deathifier via acquiring DNA parts from the players.

Now, I don't know if the discussion between Deathifier and MA/FPC materialised in a second lawsuit. Since the LAs were not put up for auction and the managing account is not the usual Estate broker, I would rather guess it behaves as a sort of escrow account, either in connection with initial lawsuit and eventual financial reciprocal demands between Deathifier and Dobson, either in connection with the second matter, of which we actually know absolutely nothing, save for speculation here and there.

I do believe that the parties' choice to not communicate anything is wrong, we're not talking a criminal case, I don't see why in a civil case there would be this "not comment because there are proceedings".

That being said, a natural spawn of Hispidus (out of pvp3 ffs) would be in order, or if it remains stuck to pvp3, maybe then some hyperduper reward to justify the risk?
The appearance of TI mobs such as Letomies, Furror, Frescoquda and SEG in other natural spawns is NOT connected to this, the initial deal of buying TI should be checked because, if I remember correctly, specific mobs were exclusive to TI for a set period of time (10 years). But then there are Minerbots, still exclusive to TI. Hogglos and Globsters are separate from this, those were mobs introduced by Deathifier via acquiring DNA parts from the players.

Furor, Letomie and Fresquoda was introduced to TI by deathifyer with DNA, too. Those where never intended to be "unique" TI mobs.

The original unique TI mob was Sec Ents and later Minerbots added.
Hard to get accurate informations about all this, but that's what came to my mind when thinking about it..
Tell me if I'm wrong.

Basically, the guy "worked" with Mindark, and then took them to court.
Then he worked with Ark Studio, and took them to court.

Seems it's good to work with him... :rolleyes:

The egg story is just epic, and I think pretty telling story..

The egg was looted by a player.
It was nothing else than a... Pixelized egg, whith no information about what it's supposed to be or what it's supposed to become.
Neverdie bought it for 100K PED.

Deathifier chose to buy it from Neverdie for 700K PED ($70K).
He bought a supposed "surprise package" and estimated the amount himself.
Probably thought he could make a big buck from it. :money:
To me, he just made a BET.
Then when the surprise package was opened, he was very disappointed. :banghead:

Deathifier was probably one of (if not THE) most succesfull "player/investor" in Entropia, but some people just always want more, more and more..

For some reason, when I think of Deathifier story, one quote comes to mind:

I know MONEY isn't the most important thing in life.
I know that LOVE is the most important thing.
Fortunately, I LOVE MONEY. :swoon: