Irc and I can say this I used terra 6 exclusively in fort argus at certain depth range outside f105 and terra 8 because I found alot unclaimed pyrite sizes. Amps have their uses over terra 8 it's a gamble for high mu stuff from what I seen.Since I start to watch result of returns something jump in my eyes.
If terra amp 6 is good for a specific mineral will not be so good for the rest.
Example. Best hits on redulite was with dclass... Level 5 amp was not bad but also not the best. Terra amp 6 is also one that you will find but very rare.
Best MU is find inside of waves. Waves are very short so you need to move fast and cove the spot fast until wave is not done. If you use a more powerfull amp there is a little chance to find that specific type of claim. Unamped is not a problem. Just the period to turn the ped will take forever. If you found the best setup for each material you are searching I belive on the end well be good. Is like on hunting, if you are try very hard to kill a mob with 100 shots will not be the same like kill with 10 shots.
Since 2016-2017 there are no more ath with high MU. If sistem is allowing me to take out per wave lets say 20% of "X" material from a total of 1000 ped wave cap material, why to go way under that %? I just try to find the best setup for each material on each server I go
Everyone talks about waves where I see it more as a server refresh as the claims are still their it's just you haven't found the holes so to say in depth and claim sizes at least how I see it. I still go through certain places even after a so called wave and find stuff. Wave implies you can only find stuff between certain times which is not the case if you found holes what people are not mining at.
My mining style irc is fast and short then a break for a few months I just can't stand waiting around for 18 hours a time for a server refresh for high turnover areas or 2 to 3 days for low turnover areas. It makes it more pleasant style for me personally.