Recent content by Bosco

  1. B

    New loot theory

    That would explain the loot lag
  2. B

    Synchronization chips (old focus)

    I have a First Gen Electric III, and did not need focus when being attacked.
  3. B

    Should NEVERDIE be banned?

    MA controls the loot distribution algorithm (such as it is). Neverdie can level design all he wants as well as create items, he and anyone at FPC have nothing to do with loot drops or balancing. This has been stated many times.
  4. B

    Question: UR125 heals after update.

    Perhaps someone should check Blackhawk's HP?
  5. B

    I was Killed by... NOTHING

    Could be that some creature had "fallen" underground and could still damage you. Has happened to me a few times since VU 10.
  6. B

    Under the hood: bigger, stronger, better!

    I'm thinking that there will be some balance to this, such as a tier 10 opalo gaining much more damage, but at a cost of reduced shots/minute or range, with the enhancement chips being necessary to restore the original range or reload speed. Or increased reload speed on faps, but at reduced...
  7. B

    Petition to MA: Bring back KERBS!

    I could have sworn that there was a previous thread that stated there were kerbies SE of Zychion along the river bank. Voted yes anyway, love getting them CB5's.
  8. B

    Question: Maddox IV (Lev 8 Pistoleer) Bad for training? Or Amazing?

    Agree with the above, as long as you are having fun nothing else matters.
  9. B

    Question: Aetherex is the only one who has no spawn

    Saw a young two lesser tp jumps NW of Jason.
  10. B

    Question: What is your Agility level (Poll)

    59. Hunt 1-2 hours/day. Melee lately.
  11. B

    End of traders in EU - your opinion

    In Entropia, as in real life, traders provide a needed service by supplying a ready market above TT value for players to sell to. Player makes some markup and trader does as well. Person who buys from trader maybe pays a bit more markup, but can get his goods more readily than if the trader was...
  12. B

    Uber: another T5 (L)

    Saw that in the chat window, Grats.
  13. B

    Bah... this is disgusting.

    I get this all the time when I am playing on my second computer, which is not as good my main. I will get a lot of Item Busy messages, then my hard drive will thrash for a few seconds, then I can use the item. It most likely is caused by a bottleneck on the client side. Probably having to...
  14. B

    Info: New little sweat camp

    Great place to sweat and perfect mix of mobs for n00bs. Favorite place of mine to swunt when I am broke. Wish it was easier for OJ's to get to, though, as it seems more suited to them than PA, with it's Cornundos and Combibos and Bery's.
  15. B

    Inflict ranged damage

    Yes, that is how it works. The more skills you have, the greater the effort to acquire more.