Recent content by electriccastle

  1. electriccastle

    Show us your Top 10 Hunting Loots

    Here is my list, i am most proud of Sabakuma Young 70 PED :yay: 137 PED Maffoid Bandit 12/8/2008 133 PED Atrox Mature 11/8/2008 112 PED Drone Generation 01 12/6/2008 105 PED Longu Guardian 11/29/2008 96 PED Drone Generation 03 8/31/2008 91 PED Longu Mature 3/27/2009 87 PED Drone...
  2. electriccastle

    Help: Is there a SIB for Evade?

    When i was about at your level, i skilled evade on Tantillion.
  3. electriccastle

    GenX000's The Sweat Price Is Right!

    Lisa Liza Electriccastle 36363
  4. electriccastle

    How long since your first ever login to EU/PE

    I am Lisa Liza Electriccastle and I landed on Calypso 18 may 2007. Entropiaforum account created Jul 2008, but i was reading the forum some time before I created my acount.
  5. electriccastle

    Change in Dodge Skill Gain?

    All this give dodge acording to entropedia: Attacker Bristlehog Cersumon Daspletor Defender Droka Drone Drone Communicator Drone Coordinator Globster Legionaire Lisa Liza Electriccastle ;) Oculus Spider Bomber Tantardion Tezlapod Thorifoid Trilomite Trooper TskTsk Warrior
  6. electriccastle

    Ukash planned maintenance

    unreachable for...
  7. electriccastle

    Achievement: Power Catalyst

    Unlocked Power Catalyst. :yay: Hunting and healing more with MF now when you can bye that ammo from TT. I am not used with that have been very inactive since vu 10.0 Click to enlarge
  8. Power Catalyst

    Power Catalyst

  9. electriccastle

    entropia forums - myminicity

    Population is 515, parks unlock. (Environment). To improve environment, lower Pollution, klick.
  10. electriccastle

    entropia forums - myminicity

    Population is 495. Only 5 more to unlock parks (Environment).
  11. electriccastle

    Challenge to community: Entropia Universe vote

    Voted, and repped privious voters!
  12. electriccastle

    Compiled help for issues or errors installing VU10.0 client

    thank you very much now the clientloader works! +rep
  13. electriccastle

    Sugestion: Armor Set bonuses

    Voted IF other. Not a bad idea with some bonus with full set. I like timmers idé + rep for that. Having a full set able to be equipped in one click. /Liza
  14. electriccastle

    Societies by Country

    Society: The 3-Toed Sloths Is International Many from Netherlands and also from for example: Australia, Canada, France, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
  15. electriccastle

    Health Poll

    Voted 131-140. + 1 Health yesterday so 131 from 2/8. :) Stats Highest Skill: 4892 Total Skills: 93340 Health: 131 Skill date: 02-08-2009