Recent content by FallenAngel

  1. FallenAngel

    what EL is missing is auction tracking and inventory management/calc

    but what is the purpose of data if it is not used for the good of the people and to promote freedom and save humanity!?! or to rephrase, it would be really nice to have that functionality, i do not think it is available elsewhere and you already have the data, you also present quite a few graphs...
  2. FallenAngel

    Stickynote - open for service

    feedback! i used to use entropiabay a lot, but have been on a break, i tried your inv. calc. and the first thing i noticed (apart from the nice oldschool presentation) is that it is missing up to date data on MU, this was never perfect before of course but the lack of updates to peauction and...
  3. FallenAngel

    ComPet Bulletin #1

    you have to give MA credits for audacity if nothing else, getting the participants in the old game where they failed to produce a coherent vision to pay them to make the move to mobile free to play takes a special kind of "genius".
  4. FallenAngel

    Is it MA that is wrong or you?

    prove what? refute what? to whom? this is a forum, surely the definition of small talk? im not nostradamus but you can go back on the forum and see suggestions i made. and others for that matter, over 5 years ago and the problems MA would have in the future, issues that MA is only now seems to...
  5. FallenAngel

    AUD's First Case of Zero Payout

    what i dont understand is why MA allows this PP to act in this way, i think it is becoming clearer each day that this PP is choosing to price in MU to its offerings, MU that traditionally would of gone to the players, not only this, but the PP appears to be severely overpricing these offerings...
  6. FallenAngel

    AUD's First Case of Zero Payout

    well yes that is obvious, but unless actual numbers are given dave could be claiming 1000% year on year growth or more, and it could be true, but he could still only have a few 100 accounts.
  7. FallenAngel

    Is it MA that is wrong or you?

    perhaps i should of phrased that differently, i did not mean to say that over-saturation is not a problem, but that purely from the point of view of the person who is supposedly adept at marketing there are much worse problems to have than marketing a product in a segment where there is a...
  8. FallenAngel

    Capture the flag, would it fit?

    a better question to ask would be, why is it that slowly over time the popular activities surrounding PvP in entropia have come to a near halt, and what series, or catalogue (depending on the mood one is in) of changes, decisions, unfixed bugs, and blunt workarounds did MA implement to achieve...
  9. FallenAngel

    Is it MA that is wrong or you?

    what is really hot right now is none the above, and if MA had any competence marketing or hiring marketeers they could of positioned EU better to take advantage of this interest, what has been really hot for the last year or two are uncompromising survival games, be it PvE or PvP or a...
  10. FallenAngel

    Developer Notes #8

    it makes a mockery of MA's supposed long-term strategy to have a functioning economy in game, L items that are consumed and crafted and/or looted, what is the point of crafting if nobody buys what you make, what is the point in hunting if nothing you loot can be sold, or do we just TT everything...
  11. FallenAngel

    Is it MA that is wrong or you?

    he did for sure, maybe its the mists of time making him appear more handsome than he was, but he often engaged, had a sense of humour, a thick skin, and was a bit of a storyteller and seemed to love gaming.
  12. FallenAngel

    Help: Cyclops Depths

    if you have a more specific question about the place other than a map (i dont know of a map) then ask away. for example, to get to the marcimex and/or mind reavers you need to stick to the main path except for one room where you have no choice but to go through a group of thorifoid. this is the...
  13. FallenAngel

    Is it ok to Kill Steal an Exploiters Mob?

    fort, you are much too nice a guy :P its really simple, if someone is cheating and MA in its usual incompetent way breaks its own "secure and safe platform" after a update due to its poor version control then in my eyes you are in the wild-west and the way i see it you act according to your own...
  14. FallenAngel

    Is it MA that is wrong or you?

    going by the amount of complaining i see in game compared to the forum, and the drop in activity on the forum and in game, it looks like people are laying low, and its not doing MA's financials any good. look i do see what your point is, but in the end the problem and issue is not the community...
  15. FallenAngel

    Is it MA that is wrong or you?

    you know its fine you ignored my previous response and replied to others, that is your right, but i think it is a bit rich calling others a crybaby and telling them they are undermining the community when your total contribution to this community is about 8 months on the forum in 2009, you...