Recent content by Jacky Ikx

  1. J

    Uber: 11,6K Allophyl

    Big gz van een fellow nederlandstalige and lol @ soc chat :D
  2. J

    Where's the LOVE??? Society Proteron Wars!!! 7k

    We might not have a chance against the uber societys, but since EU is part fun too and we like a tough challenge... Pls sign up "LA54-Perseus" ;) Good luck all, Flirtmeister
  3. J

    Top 100 Mining

    I don't really keep track of how much I've cycled, I just have a look at my pedcard by the end of the week and I know how much losses/profit I made :) Been depositing 25USD/week for a while now, so compared to some other players i'm not doing too bad i guess? Cheers!
  4. J

    Top 100 Mining

    Hey all, since the game is currently down I must keep myself occupied, so why not posting my latest achievement? :) I've reached (at the moment of writing) spot 69 mining on entropiatracker! :yay: It wasn't so hard actually, only took 1 week at F.O.M.A and 2-3 globals/day at calypso. Anyways...
  5. Nr. 69 Mining

    Nr. 69 Mining
