Recent content by JoseMTacoral

  1. JoseMTacoral

    Ideas To Improve Next Week's Avatar Update

    Agree with you. Thanks Mindark, ¿Society Terminal is next sistem upgrade?
  2. JoseMTacoral

    Ideas to improve society terminal

    The Society Terminal must be one of the older interfaces in Entropia Universe, I think that remains unchanged since 2007 (I started in that year) or earlier. I have participated in more than one post on this subject, all with brilliant ideas, but I've never read a commentary on this subject from...
  3. JoseMTacoral


    Well done! Excelent idea!
  4. JoseMTacoral

    90% Returns Still?

    Actually my advice would be exactly the opposite, you must focusing on a mob in a specific area. The value of the loot TT shall be increased until closer to 90% as the consumption of ammo and decay increases. Sessions should not be less than the 150/200 PED (for the sum of both values: ammo and...
  5. JoseMTacoral

    What I would like to see

    I also think the "Oil Rig" should be designed again. Very good idea to make two, one for beginners and one for advanced. The first would limit the weapons, armor and vehicles that can be used: only Opalo or equivalents, Pixie without adding plates, no healing and only Valks. I also find it...
  6. JoseMTacoral

    Space: should it change?

    I am not a trader so to me your proposal is excellent, I would travel between planets in a safe and quick way, paying some peds to use the TP. However, the situation would worsen for traders as pirates would have no doubt as to whether or not a ship carries loot, ¡¡all the ships in space would...
  7. JoseMTacoral

    Space: should it change?

    As in Calypso today the avatar should be able to enter or not, at their convenience or taste, PvP4 area of space. Running the risk of theft should be an option not a requirement if you travel between planets
  8. JoseMTacoral

    FYI: Logging off ruins Space Economy!!

    It is incredible that the perpetrator complains because his victim avoid being stolen. Stagger does not see that, quite the contrary, further facilitating the theft in space will ensure that all avatars who earn their peds honestly will not traveling through space anymore.
  9. JoseMTacoral

    FYI: Logging off ruins Space Economy!!

    Boast about having stolen to another player 2K PED, or 200 u$s, is the same, puts you closer to being a psychopath than a good player, not to mention anywhere stealing is a crime. I'm sure your comment will work to convince most players that space, as found today, should be avoided.
  10. JoseMTacoral

    FYI: Logging off ruins Space Economy!!

    totally agree with your proposal!!!!
  11. JoseMTacoral

    Calypso Land Deed Update

    I think the age of the account considered in conjunction with the frequency of activity is indicative of the level of commitment to the Entropia Universe and certainly should be taken into account, along with other factors, to the voting system. Successful access might depend on the proper...
  12. JoseMTacoral

    Calypso Land Deed Update

    Well done!!!!
  13. JoseMTacoral

    Want to Improve Hunting Loot? Fix Crafting

    I think that one of the few things that Entropia Universe loses to other MMO's in the poor range of clothes and it is exhausting and expensive system to acquire skills in occupations associated with manufacturing and coloring them. Somehow facilitate the manufacture and coloring of clothes and...
  14. JoseMTacoral

    Is it not time for a Society System overhaul?

    Currently, novices seeking society can list in the Society Terminal societys by number of members or by skills average, I think it very interesting that they may also access a list sorted by creation date, the oldest first.
  15. JoseMTacoral

    Is it not time for a Society System overhaul?

    Mindark, can you give us some sign indicating that you have read this thread? Can we expect some improvement in ST? Thanks for responding!