Recent content by Mysty

  1. M

    WoF 2010: Team Australia

    Hey all just started playing EU again and saw the PM.:ahh: I'll be up for 2010:boxer: Tanya Mysty Richards:dance: Cheers
  2. M

    ATH: 105 k belkar

    mammoth find! grats! :yay:
  3. M

    ~ WOF AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND ~ A Call to Arms!

    arhh beauty, yeah I'll be in :silly2: Have just recently started playing again, since chipping out ^_^ , should be fun.
  4. M

    ATH: 65k:)

    woohoo GRATS!:yay:
  5. M

    ATH: My first Tower and ATH =)

    Grats!!!!!! :wtg::wtg::wtg::yay::yay:
  6. M

    First HoF !!!

    Grats! nice little find ;)
  7. M

    XX duru at Shinook

    Westy, you wanna through some of your luck my way by any chance? :) :) //Jokes :lolup:
  8. M

    Nice Run X, XIII, XIV, XVIII

    Nice one Westy, keep up the good work son :) :cool:
  9. M

    Tonights Play

    whoops there we go.
  10. M

    Tonights Play

    Well Well, what a good night it has been :D : D :wtg: