
I grew up on the dusty little planet of Cordon in the Siries system on the edge of our galaxies' spiral arm. I hear tell that I was named for an ancient ancestor, Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève, a true heroine of the realm who was God touched, but who knows as Mother did not have the tightest grip on reality. It was during my fifteenth year that I watched both of my brothers and my little sister waste unto death from accelerated growth and I knew she had been juicing us with the Gene Lords cocktail. She rarely made the best of decisions and I cannot fathom that one. It pushed her into insanity.

It was my seventeenth year when the pirates raided New Jones Town and the bodies were stacked three deep in the town square. It is still amazing to me that death by laser appears so sanitary if one does not breathe. Three of us were spared, two female and one male, to be used until soul shattered and then spaced. Jons and Claire used to hold each other and cry into the darkness. I did not, as crying does not fix anything or so mother always said. Instead I plotted and waited, biding my time. Captain Jagen kept me for himself and I made it through those months picturing beauty and his death. When the time came I drove a fork through his forehead as the Gene Lords cocktail had given me strength beyond his ken. I killed 2 more of the crew and took their shuttle as my own leaving the ship’s impulse engines permanently off line. I learned to manipulate Jagen with his ego in those months and he was the instrument of his own demise. Men are weak.

It was my twenty second year when Justin’s Ferry found the shuttle and revived me from deep sleep. It took 2 weeks to fully recover. Captain Justin said it was because the pods were never designed for a two meter tall Amazon, whatever that meant. It was on the Ferry that I first knew the touch of a woman. Melinda was sweet and the fit was so right. Captain Justin let me stay on as one of crew and my job was to ensure peace between passengers. It was there that I learned to handle myself and relearned that men are weak when faced with beauty, even Captain Justin. I left the Ferry on Calypso, tired of a woman's place on a man's ship. Melinda cried, I did not.

Today, I am a Siren and I am proud.
Sirens of Entropia
Avatar Name
Phedra Phedra Delaunay
Real-world Gender
Entropia Gender

