Search results

  1. X


    Brian "Sniper" Brian was exploring the area near Zeus. In a desparate attempt to have a successful mining trip, a bilizzard came through well below the normal tempurature. Sniper was unable to escape the harsh effects of the bilizzard and was frozen solid. A few days later officals have found...
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    Mining Stats

    Im tring to make a few charts see if I can spot a pattern You guys can either PM me, email me, get me on MSN or AIM, or what ever. For thoes of you guys that are willing to help send me the following Blast point elevation Claim point elevation Claim depth Claim size For thoes of you that dont...
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    New gun in the TT

    Click to enlarge Seems like another D-1 clone from the looks of it.
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    I'm tring to recycle

    But the bottles dont fit in the bin :mad: http://img.!!!!!!!!!!!.com/albums/v60/McLamborghini/Project%20Entropia/Itwontfit.jpg
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    Selling/Trading for Fap-80

    Im selling a GSI and Aurli claw for a low TT Fap-80. PM me here, post or get me in game.
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    Hey guys.. Just transferred here from EP so most of you probably know me from there or in game..