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  1. Torschen

    News: MindArk Signs Deal for Unreal Engine 5 - PRNewswire

    I'm thrilled. I'm a Epic fanboy since original Unreal, and UE5 looks like a magnificent engine. Good luck!
  2. agi-skill.jpg


  3. agi-Torschen.jpg


    Progress is not quite like it used to be.
  4. Torschen

    Entropia Universe 15.18.0 Release Notes

    That's sad :( Away goes innocent fun and random acts of kindness ...
  5. Torschen

    Loot is so bad that ...

    Loot is so bad that my balls are turning blue.
  6. Torschen

    Selling: RX OpTac Gloves x2 (M)

    Gloves SOLD !
  7. Torschen

    Selling: RX OpTac Gloves x2 (M)

    They are in auction, starting bid tt+1400 PED Buyout tt+2000 PED.
  8. Torschen

    Selling: RX OpTac Gloves x2 (M)

    tt+1.8k or offer tier rates 81,124,67,61,122,102,102,135,53,57
  9. RX OpTac x2 Gloves (M)

    RX OpTac x2 Gloves (M)

  10. Torschen

    Entropia Universe 15.8 Release Notes

    I think there never was anything more horrid than the original jumpsuit, in virtual universe or the real for that matter :silly2:
  11. Torschen

    Entropia Universe 15.7.5 Release Notes

    After all these years with of patches of this kind, EU stability must be phenomenal. :dunce:
  12. Torschen

    EntropiaFund Bonus Events

    Torschen Tors Kalevala incoming :)
  13. Torschen

    Fond memories

    TP runs back in the days when there was no vehicles. (Old) Fort Pandora in the desert especially proved tediously difficult. One could try from west, trying to avoid big atraxes hiding in a bit too thick forest (very bad), or big atrox (*stomp* *stomp* much WORSE). Or south, a long way if you...
  14. Torschen

    Disturbance Notice

    No problems here lol :computer: Ok no numbers in stackables but what do I care, I take what I get anyways! And ppl complain about chat lag but I don't chat. :silly2:
  15. Torschen

    Disturbance Notice

    Hmm, soneone bulldozing the building? Berserk attack of the local tinfoil hat gang? Employees spontaniously combusting? Someone catched in the act of bug squashing?
  16. Torschen

    WoF 2014: Team Finland

    supporttiin voisin jos kerkeän/on pedejä to support if got time/peds
  17. Torschen

    Achievement: 5000 Sweat Gatherer

    omg :wtg: Gz !
  18. Torschen

    Entropia Universe 14.9 Release Notes

    Melee bug, otherwise all is fine. Seems somewhat fun. I am waiting to spawn as an Araneatrox :silly2: -- Edit: nvm the "fine" part. Sleep over quick fix.
  19. Torschen

    I just logged in...

    Spread to other forums & planets + summertime.
  20. Torschen

    Server issues

    I see. Time to retire the hamster and find a successor. :)
  21. The Art of smaller

    The Art of smaller

    Kindle banner
  22. Art of Deathmatch by Agluppos

    Art of Deathmatch by Agluppos

    Kindle book banner signature
  23. Torschen

    Login Issues

    Got GC out of sync, contacted support which was lightning fast: the problem was resolved within 1 hour.
  24. Torschen

    Info: Share your small game hunting spots

    I would really like to see that! :)
  25. Torschen

    What would you do with your 200k ATH

    Buy some UL weapon and/or CLD with half of the peds, is my guess. Rest propably withdraw. Or not. Depending on RL situtation.