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  1. F

    Marker on the map?

    First of all, I'm not sure if it has'nt been suggsested before, but here it goes, my first post in wishlist.:D I think it would be a good idea, especialy for newcommers, when there would be an ability for the player to set hes own marker(s) on the map. This marker would also show on radar. If...
  2. F

    First global with the last probe

    I went out mining with just 10 probes and recycled everything I got about 4 times. Then I had just four probes left and I went to a place where I usualy find nothing. Then boom with the last probe I got my first global. :yay::yay::wtg::yay::yay: And I think it's the first time I found anything...
  3. F

    First global with the last probe

    I made accidentaly two threads. How can I delete this one? Or if I cant then would one of the admins delete this thread
  4. F

    Ju40(L) or MF-104

    I just maxed out the MF-102, and now I'm wondering weather to buy Ju40(L) or MF-104. I have about 28 PED and another 12 PED worth of sweat and enmatter. So which is better if I hope to make profit?