Search results

  1. Tycoon

    Help: So I got the red bunny ...

    this is the case for me, I'm around 91%... I started looking for answers when my bunny hit lvl 3 (because I thought it would unlock at 2), and I saw a post somewhere that said they unlocked it at level 6.5... that's exactly where mine will be when the criteria finishes!
  2. Tycoon

    What did you do on your 4000th post?

    I am nearing my 3,000th post! So I'm watching how this plays out so I can make preparations for my 4,000th!!! :thumbup:
  3. Tycoon

    Price Check Mayhem tokens rares and normal ones

    you cant trade them :confused:
  4. GenX000_Caveman_Tycoon.jpg


  5. Tycoon

    I'm Loony for Leviathans!

    Finished my Leviathan Loony mission! :woohoo:
  6. Levi Loony.jpg

    Levi Loony.jpg

    Leviathan Loony mission complete
  7. Tycoon

    Buying: Adjusted Hedoc Mayhem (BOUGHT)

    Got what I was looking for! :woohoo:
  8. Pink Jarhead.jpg

    Pink Jarhead.jpg

    Pink Jarhead
  9. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

    :bump: :bump: :bump:
  10. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

    :bump: :bump: :bump:
  11. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

    :bump: :bump: :bump:
  12. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

    :bump: :bump: :bump:
  13. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

    They are used to make Breer H31a (L), and Advanced Fluid Energy Source (which is a material used in other blueprints)...
  14. AFES.jpg


    Advanced Fluid Energy Source wiki info
  15. ROP.jpg


    Robot Optical Processor wiki info
  16. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

  17. Tycoon

    Selling: 137 Robot Optical Processors

    Taking offers on 137 Robot Optical Processors! PM me :D :thumbup::tiphat::wave::shower::nutkick::woohoo: If there's a lot of interest, I might set up a SB/BO... or I may just sell right away if I like the offer! :proof::hammer:
  18. Robo part.jpg

    Robo part.jpg

    137 Robot Optical Processors, with MU
  19. Tycoon

    Achievement: 5000 Sweat Gatherer achievement.

    wow, you really did it!!! :jawdrop: Grats again man! :beerchug:
  20. Tycoon

    Help: Account Info

    is there no longer a menu in-game for it? there used to be!
  21. Tycoon

    Help: Account Info

    It looks like some things have changed since the last time I logged in... A lot of my controls and menu interfaces are all different! I tried to do a withdrawal, and it didn't go through, so I logged in to check all my personal info (name, email, etc.) and I can't find this menu in-game...
  22. Tycoon

    Selling: Earth Shock Trooper (M,L) Full Set

  23. Tycoon

    Selling: Earth Shock Trooper (M,L) Full Set

  24. Tycoon

    Selling: Earth Shock Trooper (M,L) Full Set

  25. Tycoon

    Selling: Earth Shock Trooper (M,L) Full Set
