Search results

  1. L

    Buying: Shadow female shoes and thighs (UL)

    Hello, As topic says, I'm buying; Shadow female thighs (UL) Shadow female shoes (UL) PM me with your price. Don't bother telling me to "offer" a price, I'm quite confident you know exactly how much you want/are willing to let these go for. I can offer PEDS or PEDS + Angel thighs female...
  2. L

    Buying: Shadow shoes/thighs (f) UL

    Bump :yay: Bump
  3. L

    Buying: Shadow shoes/thighs (f) UL

    Bump bump bump
  4. L

    Buying: Shadow shoes/thighs (f) UL

    Come on don't be shy! I know there's several of each of these out there collecting dust! Sell now! =)
  5. L

    Buying: Shadow shoes/thighs (f) UL

    up we go :yay:
  6. L

    Buying: Shadow shoes/thighs (f) UL

    bump :yay::yay:
  7. L

    Mining Event until March 22nd

    Guess the world wouldn't be fun without a few tards here and there :wtg:
  8. L

    Mining Event until March 22nd

    If anyone at MA are actually reading this thread.... For the love of Mining.... :) Please please add mining in space with spaceships already! I've been waiting for years and years, since hangars were first introduced! Make me a happy bunny please? :) Oh and while you're at it, add space...
  9. L

    Buying: Shadow shoes/thighs (f) UL

    Hi, I'm buying or trading for the following items: Shadow shoes (f) UL Shadow thighs (f) UL Either for PEDs or a combination of PEDs and Angel thighs (f) UL, or Angel shins (f) UL. BR Lessa
  10. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    uppåt :wtg::wtg::wtg:
  11. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

  12. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    up up :D :D
  13. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bump :yay:
  14. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Thanks! :love:
  15. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    :) Bump bump
  16. L

    Pricecheck: Echidna Hangar

    Thanks for all the input. Indeed planets are coming and things are moving towards 'interesting times' again, as one author wrote :) Am I still living in a fantasy world when I'm wishing for space mining ala EVE? Hunting with the guns on the spacehip where multiple players can interact?Maybe...
  17. L

    Tjenare :)

    Tjenare :)
  18. L

    Pricecheck: Echidna Hangar

    Hi, The Hangar is located a few seconds from the Echidna teleporter. Any ideas what the going rate is with Hangars close to teleporters?
  19. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bump bump :D
  20. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bump :eek:
  21. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bump :wtg:
  22. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bump :yay:
  23. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bump bump :D
  24. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Bumpety :)
  25. L

    Buying: Shadow shin/thigh (f)

    Up we go :yay: