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  1. C

    Question: Land Lot Deeds

    If by the first time MA releases dividends only 30k of the shares have been sold... for argument sake, say they have 300k peds to distribute, Does that mean we are entitled 10ped/share or does MA own the other 30k and we are only allowed to 5ped per share?
  2. C

    Legacy's Mining Blog

    Been mining for a few years now, have extracted skills and restarted a few times, but finally getting into the groove of mining! RUN 1 Expenses: 2x 104 (262ped) 78 bombs Total Cost: 340ped Side notes: In the beginning, I hit a HORRIBLE streak of NRF's and nearing the end of the run I was...
  3. C

    Entropia Investment Group

    I know I just signed up on the forums today, but Entropia Tracker me, Coreyy Legacy DePre. I have been around for a long time and have been working on a Investment group for the past 4 months. If you're a potential investor, PM me for future details, I will email you a .doc file and we will...