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  1. M

    Help: I need 5 new avatars to test the way a new player can live on 15$/month << please read if you are new >>

    Well i did not necro it - but decided that with the recent amount of ubers whining about how bad their loot is and how much they are losing - this thread from '09 still is valid to show how egotistical they were and still are. Unless you think the loot balance is such that everyone pays thier...
  2. M

    Legal to have Lottos or other drawings in game...?

    So is the BO price of your ava still valid? Or is MA paying you off so the #2 hunter dosent leave the game lol
  3. M

    Help: I need 5 new avatars to test the way a new player can live on 15$/month << please read if you are new >>

    Nice Ego You and the few others ARE the reason the rest of us lose. MA is too weak to cut you guys off and make you pay to play like the rest of the suckers -err players. MA needs to stop making the rest of the palyer base pay for your McDonalds breakfast because that BS "you can make a...
  4. M

    I need help to figurate out about the entropia population growing

    The largest number of people on my FL that were on line at one time in the last 2 years was 5 - everyone has quit or basically stopped playing due disgustingly bad loot returns - I think you can figure out what I think about "growth" in this game
  5. M

    Mission Rewards Rebalancing

    Maybe the issue is those few missions that will improve should never have had fragments as a reward to begin with so really anyone that did those missions previously get screwed. THe missions that gave way too much rewawrd will now be adjusted allowing those that did them to keep the "excess...
  6. M

    Mission Rewards Rebalancing

    Based on the past history of how MA sucks up to certian people - and I am sure anyone here more than a few years can remember 10 things or more where certian players got special treatment in one form or another - my money says another giant nerf is about to make this game that much shitier for...
  7. M

    Mission Rewards Rebalancing

    Sucking up to the same people - again So basically those who already had the skill to take advantage of the missions that had "unbalanced" rewards get to keep what they got and eveyone else can never catch up to them. So any uber that had skills/gear/weps and money and ran throught those...
  8. M

    Calypso Land Deed Update

    Nice Reply +Rep Nice to see a reply - and quick too I'm not sure I understand the distribution but since I do not own any deeds I will leave it to those that do to figure it out with MA. Maybe now people won't be so worried/afraid to ask questions -even if some on this forum try to stomp out...
  9. M

    Had my first extended 40% return today.

    The New 90% 40% is the New 90% - has'nt anyone told you :) Wait til you skill up a little more and get 30% sustained returns thats when you know your getting good!
  10. M

    Swamp/sweat camp

    Well all i know is sweating used to be fun as you could chat easly and not lose focus all the time etc.. was a lot of fun seeing 15-20 green beams hitting a Ambu wish i could find the screenie I took I dont think bringing back something that was fun is "turning back the clock" it just was...
  11. M

    Buying: Anyzteoz Trading Service

    Maybe you should post your prices for some items considering you got like 9 pages of bumps and 1 reply - and that was only a GL post. If you want only PM's then consider this a bump :) What are you offering for Dante amps? (and what is current MU)
  12. M

    Swamp/sweat camp

    How about moving it closer to PA (if not already done) last time i seen it it took 10 mins to get there. ANd do not allow people to spawn their cars/planes/boats or whatever - because some people are idiots and will spawn 5 - as if that is impressive or something - pets were ok bcuse they kinds...
  13. M

    Advertising Entropia with 6 Million dolares

    I was not sure tbh - lots of people from different places so thought - hmm maybe she didn't understand anyway we on the same page now for sure ;)
  14. M

    the game

    How can you think about something you're not aware of?:scratch2:
  15. M

    Advertising Entropia with 6 Million dolares

    lol valid question 2 posts, but played the game for 4+ years.
  16. M

    Advertising Entropia with 6 Million dolares

    two posts - 4 years + played
  17. M

    Advertising Entropia with 6 Million dolares

    Look forward to Nothing big home and top end cars are expensive you expect them to have any left for advertising - lol silly rabbits