Search results

  1. Honey Potts

    Buying: Gothic Angel Statue

    Hello avas, seeking this statue for decorating purposes and would be ever so happy to acquire one you may no longer need. It was loot from Halloween 2013 apparently. Feel free to contact me for discussions... hmmm maybe a few K ? [/URL][/IMG]
  2. Perfect for the decorating.

    Perfect for the decorating.

    WTB ofc lol
  3. Honey Potts

    Suggestion: Un-tradable armistice

    Perhaps a poll would sway a future decision. I'd love to get rid of untradeable items I'll never use, it's not a perceived loss for me.
  4. Honey Potts

    Boat Club

    Yes, I'd love to boat race. Especially during my Southern Hemisphere winter when I have ample free time to commit. Why I'd even get the boat all cheetah textured up lol
  5. Honey Potts

    Question: How many people actually use their apartments as apartments these days?

    Always. Love living in my little apartment, redecorating all the time like a doll house lol New Oxford - Bilton Tower - Block 4 - Level 7 - Apartment G
  6. Honey Potts

    Are you a Good Entropia Universe Customer?

    Am I a good customer??? Yes, if hefty deposits in the past count. No, if not depositing much in recent years. Yes, if not withdrawing. No, if diverting ped flow into trivial collecting. Yes, if offering hi MU to purchase. No, if offering freebies to dilute MU. Yes, if always verbalising enjoying...
  7. Honey Potts

    Avatar's changing hands.... who are you actually dealing with?

    Not the girl I used to be. I've come across a few long term 'friends' returning to game who might as well be strangers since they don't quite remember me. Maybe it's because I've had a body sculptor rebuild me into something so well worth ravishing now :D Maybe my ava has evolved out of the...
  8. Honey Potts

    DeepToken sale starts in 3 days

    Token delays cause anxiety when decorating. Yes, the register is slow, I've registered 4 times in 4 hours and no luck with confirmation/verify emails arriving. Ofc this process has eaten into in-game time decorating the Bilton tower apartment :) No emails ended up in Spam either.
  9. Honey Potts

    Fishy Business

    Something fishy is brewing on Calypso with 4 tropical fish adapting and proliferating. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]
  10. FISH


    Fishy business is brewing on Calypso. Four tropical fish species released into the wild by early colonists have started to proliferate.
  11. FISH


    Fishy business is brewing on Calypso. Four tropical fish species released into the wild by early colonists have started to proliferate.
  12. Honey Potts

    Where is MR. TERN?

    Mr Tern returns OMG it was reported by several avatars today that Mr Tern-SIR logged in for a short time. Stay tuned for chat to be consumed by his musical reverie for hours at a time soon.
  13. Honey Potts

    Next Island rare creature Ningaal

    At last, photographic evidence of the mythical Ningaal creature. Please share what you know about this creature [/URL][/IMG]
  14. Ningaal


    Ningaal is a rare creature on Next Island.
  15. FREE OIL


    Oil barrels spawn in the sky over Ashi oil rig.
  16. Honey Potts

    Buying: Decent old dump sort by homeless cat...

    PussyGalore looking for a home [/URL][/IMG] Oh dear, another stray moggy seeking shelter. Please help me find a cheap 'appropriate' dwelling to furnish for Ms PussyGalore in the style which she will learn to become accustomed to. All messages confidential ofc :)
  17. Honey Potts

    Unused houses all over Calypso.

    [/URL][/IMG] Lots of avatars and Marcus the realestate broker seem to have unused properties all over Calypso. Please think of all the homeless, but very fussy, cats out there.
  18. Homeless Cat

    Homeless Cat

    Desperate cat needs a warm home.
  19. Honey Potts

    Where is MR. TERN?

    I beg everyone to un-iggy Mr Tern SIR so when he returns you can have the pleasure of silencing him again. Dear MA, we also need you to appreciate the most 'ignored' avatar in game and think about a special award for him, especially since he was/is never offensive. :)
  20. Honey Potts

    The Jump of The Avatar

    Ooh this is exciting, I for one eagerly look forward to the conclusion of this experiment with data presented. NOTE: have you also taken into consideration the wind? On Caly it is pretty bad in some desert areas.
  21. Honey Potts

    Rookie chat filter.

    Bare in mind that I was looking at Rookie chat as a newbie might (standing outside looking in) who use it for the first time. First time impressions upon birth in EU using rookie chat adds to their first experiences whereupon early decisions are made... stay longer/leave sooner. All your...
  22. Honey Potts

    Rookie chat filter.

    Rookie chat is here to enhance new player experience upon birth in EU. The first communication they have and the responses to their questions form their first impressions of EU. How many times do I see a newbie say "Sorry, dumb question.... bla bla bla?" What causes someone to apologise for...
  23. Honey Potts

    REVIVE time for toilet break.

    160 second revive gives us enough time to go to the toilet. I'm glad developers are thinking of weak bladder aged avatars. Personally I think it will improve several areas of the EU economy. Fap sales and armor sales increase. Crafters productive. Loot in demand. Healers employment increase. Ofc...
  24. Revive


    At last, enough time for the toilet.
  25. Honey Potts

