Search results

  1. D

    FYI: Anyone way you look at it.....

    Anyway you look at it you clean your deposited peds and hope for the best, If the game thinks its your time then you get a good one. All this dmg/pec = more loot I can understand it but its like roulette. if you put 20ped on number 20 and it comes in you get 700ped back. But if you put 200ped...
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    Buying: Isis HL6 or HL8 Unlimited

    Hello, I'm looking to buy a Unlimited Isis HL6 or HL8 Unit must have low TT. Best, Orion :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
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    Orion's Healing Service

    Hello, Please add me to FL through the player register : Deluxe Orion Astronomia I can use the following Herb Box Kit 2350 Adjusted Hedoc SK-20 UL...
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    Buying: Ml35

    Hello, I'm not in no rush but I would like to buy a ML35 don't care what tier or tier rates all I care about is buying it for TT+7k. Best, Orion
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    Selling: Herman LAW-16 Arctic (L) Blueprint (L)

    Hello, I have this blueprint with 1 click remaining. This is also the BP to discover the weapon. Best, Orion
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    Blueprint Herman LAW-16 Arctic (L) 1 click remaining

    Hello, This item has not yet been discovered and I would like to craft but I need Focusing Lens x 3 anyone have them?
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    HoF: 1.2k Kadra 09/04/13

    Not doing to bad, 2k Corn on my first week and now a 1.2k Kadra :) Caught this HoF on live stream. Please follow me :)
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    HoF: 1.2k Kadra Young!!

    Live stream 1.2k Kadra. 1.2k Kadra looted on 09/04/13 Please follow me on Twitch. Thanks, Orion
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    Selling: Full Vigi Female all parts minimum tier 1

    Selling Full Vigi Female all parts minimum tier 1
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    Buying: Urban Nomad Black Slacks / Urban Nomad Black Boots

    Post some offers and I see what I can do. MUST BE MALE
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    First Week On Entropia Starts With A Bang 2085ped Corn Young

    Hello, I'm so happy to have looted my first Global / HoF I was hunting Corns just levelling my character when BANG! 2085 Ped Corn young. I couldn't believe it. Sorry I didn't manage to get a screen shot as when I clicked Print Screen then pasted on paint it was just black, but now that's...