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  1. M

    Disturbances with Paypal

    Not gonna be a very good weekend unless you get the Paypal issue fixed. Please let us know what is going on.
  2. M

    Entropia Life support cases

    I've had a support case open for more than a month and received a comment but no follow up and no resolution. It's still open.
  3. M

    Info: Mission Galactica

    The crates are made when refine any oil. DO NOT refine oil. I didn't know this and have lost oil that I was saving. You cannot get the oil back and now I'm stuck with these crates!!!!
  4. M

    Question: Nutrio prices: what happened

    I would think it's because of new pet stuff in the update?
  5. M

    Mission Galactica Issues

    Animal muscle oil crates Do you know what these crates are used for in this mission and does anyone want to buy some from me?
  6. M

    Info: Mission Galactica

    Muscle oil crates Does anyone know what the Muscle oil crates are for?