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  1. F

    Starting Noob on Calypso vs. ...

    I know Calypso is the eldest of the planets, as far as colonization goes, and probably has the most overall variety to offer. However, I was wondering what Calypso has to offer vs. some of the other planets, namely: Arkadia, ROCKtropia and Toulan? Thanks :)
  2. F

    Melee 4 Noobs

    I've read some about a number noobs using melee when starting-out; also that some use melee plus a ranged weapon skill, such as laser rifle, to pull and damage mobs till they're within melee range. I'm interested in combining laser rifle and melee usage myself. I've gotten some great advice on...
  3. F

    Starter Packs & Ammo Question

    Hello. I am wondering about the Starter Packs. I'm having a difficult time deciding on which one I want. I see the armor as not being a very big deal, that will be replaced before very long anyhow. I'm basically debating within myself about between the Silver, Gold and Platinum packages. I've...