Search results

  1. Suzuki

    Buying: WTB Umbranoid loot.

    WTB 1x Umbranoid Symbol (female) 1x Umbranoid Bag (bright) I am offering great payment for your items!
  2. Suzuki

    Buying: Umbrandoid items.

    I have been searching for a item to craft using these ingredients since I begin playing. Please help me find them. WTB 1x Umbranoid Symbol (female) 1x Umbranoid Bag (bright) PST in game to Junko Milk Suzuki, Offering good pay!
  3. Suzuki

    Question: Why is late game items being removed?

    Why have Mindforce implants that allow up to level 110, if the mobs that drop Strike chips are removed? Is this intentional to stop dropping late game content like wormhole chips, resurrection chips?
  4. Suzuki

    Basic Strategic Combat Processor paying 501%

    I made a Calypso Auction order paying 501%! Please help me find these components.
  5. Suzuki

    WTT Earth Shock Trooper Armor

    I have a set of both HighTT and LowTT Male EST armor. I am looking for the Female set either HighTT or LowTT. Please message me ingame preferred Junko Milk Suzuki. Thank you for taking a moment to read. No longer needed, I got the armor I need. Please close this thread.