Search results

  1. sneakers

    Discovery: Adj Ravenger Mini-Sweeper V1 SGA

    Nice find Mike:yay: For a dedicated hunter like yourself I'm glad to see that you got an SGA. Nice to see a clean old school loot window; no oils, no robot bits just all SGA. gratz
  2. Sneakers


  3. Sneakers


    entrance for SR HQ
  4. sneakers

    Canadians! A/S/L :p

    For the size of Victoria, you would be surprised at the number of players from there
  5. sneakers

    Back in the day... "PE" thats Project Entropia 2 the noobs

    Reading the thread about reminded me that years ago the size of these critters used to be the same size as Molisks. I forget the VU in which they balloned to their current size but we all thought ,, yeah...
  6. sneakers

    Discovery: Omg it's a ........ tail

    a very nice find.:yay:
  7. sneakers

    What time zone are you in? I play PST

    What time zone are you in? I play PST
  8. sneakers

    Back in the day... "PE" thats Project Entropia 2 the noobs

    back in the days.. when you were mining the number of bombs and probes did not show up in the dashboard as it does now, you needed to open your inventory to look. When the VU that introduced counters for bombs and probes went live there was a bug in the dashboard. The dashboard displayed...
  9. sneakers

    Back in the day... "PE" thats Project Entropia 2 the noobs

    The ore refiner had to have the total number of ores to be refined divisible by 3, if not then it wouldn’t refine it. Enmatter refining was the same but divisible by 2, to this day I still do the math. I seem to recall there was a max to the total TT amount that the refiner could process at...
  10. sneakers

    ~ LoL Mining event ~ April

    hunting/mining entry Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
  11. LA 15 contest

    LA 15 contest

  12. LA 15 contest

    LA 15 contest

  13. sneakers

    Buying: Hermes armor parts :)

    bump for a bud
  14. sneakers

    Ul Oa

    I think that some one is selling a OA-101 in the auction right now. Could have been the one that MA had to fish out of the dumpster for someone after they TT it. Recap found amps Oare Amps oa-101 oa-103 oa-105 Enmatter: MA-101 MA-103 ?? MA-104 ?? MA-105
  15. sneakers

    Guardian UK Video interview with NEVERDIE

    Anyone notice the bartender with the blinking light on his head in the background? (time index 1:44) Nice interview btw.
  16. sneakers

    No Authorizing Screen!

    I just installed a new video card and I'm getting the same thing. My work around for window mode only is this: Drag the White window to a new spot on your screen. This seems, in my case atleast, to wake up application. After draging it to a new location this forced EU to redraw and I could...
  17. sneakers

    Note discovered
  18. sneakers

    Note discovered

    Curious; I looked up Kerberos and found this MA has always borrowed names from Greek and Nordic mythology ** dream mode on Name: Kerberos Description: 3 headed dog guardian of the entrance to a underworld.... Hades Function: needs to wrestle dog (taming...
  19. sneakers

    Some questions for CND miners

    I've have been mining CND for the last 2 weeks and I have found Narc in only dome 14, just like the site said. I have been search for Blaus myself for the last 2 weeks. Using my old data maps of CND I now find iron and zinc...
  20. sneakers

    Win a Lykke Wooden Chest right here in EF

    Well the post note on my desk has the numbers 459 on it:scratch2:. Can't fight destiny or random number theory so 459 is my guess
  21. sneakers

    Unlock: Kill Strike

    Congratulation Buck :yay: Could not of happened to a nice guy
  22. Neco entry

    Neco entry

  23. sneakers

    SELLING:adjusted ravenger minisweeper

    bump for a bud
  24. sneakers

    emik S30 (unlimited) - stats

    gratz m8 :) You can find alot of neat stuff in pvp4
  25. sneakers

    Dampers or Spring(s)?

    Which on to use, Springs or dampers. The major attraction besides skilling is the not the final product of the blueprint but the residuals. I wander back and forth between the two blueprints depending on the price of res. and the price of the aquiring the material costs. What I see is...