Search results

  1. netracer

    Selling: Jaguar Footguards (M) UL

    This item has been sold!
  2. netracer

    Mission: Scan the Robot's soil samples

    Hi there, Is there anyone who already started this mission? And if so, is there anyone who knows the coordinates of the following Soil samples: Soil sample Alpha Soil sample Bravo Soil sample Charlie Soil sample Delta Soil sample Golf Soil sample Echo Soil sample Foxtrot Thanks for your help!
  3. netracer

    Avatar and screen keeps bouncing

    I am experiencing a bug which looks like lagg.. my avatar keeps going back to the point where he was when I logged in. And the second strange thing is that it is bouncing, not only the avatar but also my whole screen. And the third strange thing is that I can't see any auction buildings (the UFO...
  4. netracer

    Buying: Thunderbird Thigh Guards M,L (high TT)

    I am looking for Thunderbird Thigh Guards M,L with a high TT value.. please send me a PM if you are willing to sell the parts! Gr, Netracer