A better approach to shared loot


Aug 15, 2006
Leeds, UK
Avatar Name
Oleg Oleg McMullery
(Or how to implement massive shared mobs without screwing up the economy and alienating 90% of the players)

Following yet another period over the last few weeks when there has been a stream of HoFs on shared loot mobs with massive amounts of HP, I’ve been thinking more about the problems this causes, the reasons why a substantial number of players don’t like these events, and how the events could be improved and these issues overcome.

As I see it, the primary problems with the way things are usually done at present are:

  • disproportionate amounts of certain stackables and (L) items entering the market, creating a short to medium term imbalance and damaging the overall economy;
  • rare items dropping mainly from shared loot mobs leads to a perception that skills and high-end equipment are worthless, which (whether or not the perception is accurate) leads in turn to an actual devaluation of skills and equipment;
  • the HoF list is dominated by large shared loot mobs, leading to a perception that other mobs are no longer worth hunting.

I know I am not alone. Most of the people I’ve spoken to about this don’t like the current system for one or more of the reasons I’ve given. I know that there are always quite a few people at the shared mobs during peak times, but these are a small minority of the players online. Recent CLD income has dropped slightly during weeks when the focus was on the large shared mobs.

It seems to me that these problems are caused not by the existence of shared loot mobs, or even of the massive HP mobs, but by the way in which they are spawned. The key is that there shouldn’t be a constant stream of massive mobs for hours, days or even weeks. It shouldn’t be possible for someone to keep pumping ammo into high HP shared mobs for hours on end without a pause.

The solution is clear - spawn fewer big mobs.

Of course we can’t just have one mob spawning every 30 minutes and then nothing happening for a while – that would be extremely boring. So how best to slow down the spawn while maintaining an enjoyable and coherent event?

We already have two possible solutions provided by features that already exist in game:

Method 1: Use the boss spawn system

“Boss spawn system” may not be the right term but I’m not sure how else to describe it. I’m talking about the feature where killing a certain number of mobs results in the spawning of a special mob, which is already in place in a number of regular spawn locations.

So instead of spawning Feffox Broodmothers and Queens every few seconds, we could have a spawn of normal-maturity shared loot Feffox. When, say, 100 Feffox are killed, a Feffox Broodmother spawns. When 10 Feffox Broodmother have been killed, a Feffox Queen spawns. Repeat ad nauseum.

Method 2: Use the wave event system

Most of you will be familiar with wave events already, and it should be obvious to those of you who have done the Rextelum or Traeskeron waves, for example, how this could work.

Instead of constantly spawning Vanguard and Vortex, we could have, say, a 5 round wave of gradually tougher robots (50 Drones, 50 Droka, 50 Warriors, 50 Legionaires, 50 Warlocks, all shared loot), followed by 3 Vanguards in wave 6 and finally a Vortex or two in wave 7. When the Vortex is killed, Wave 1 can start again immediately or with a short break. Individual waves could have time limits as in the current system, or could be limitless (or, if this is not possible in the current system, perhaps a time limit of 24 hours in order to make it effectively limitless).

The wave approach would make this similar to the original Hydra events which were a precursor to the shared loot system, and which would have been much improved with shared loot in place.​

Using either of these methods would alleviate all of the problems I identified above, and additionally would make for more immersive and interesting gameplay as well as providing storyline coherence.

Another advantage is that both methods are easily scalable. It is clear how changing any of the numbers in my examples above would make a shorter or longer cycle, and spawn the boss mobs more or less frequently. There is also plenty of scope for flexibility in mob choice for more variety (and the more mob variety, the more loot variety, dispersing the impact on the market).

I would be far more interested in shared loot events if they were done in either of the ways I have suggested, and I’m sure many others would be too.

Comments welcomed, especially from Calypso staff of course :)
My problem is high tt items dropping. The chances of getting them are very small, so tt returns are shit for the vast majority.

That is why i don't partake in them


That's the problem with any mob and a team not only shared loot and why I no longer team hunt even if in the unlikely event I'm the highest skilled.

A single high value item can make up most of the loot with a few stackables tacked on. One player will get an item and any others will get a share of the stacks. But then who's fault is it the L items are such high tt?

Of course we can’t just have one mob spawning every 30 minutes and then nothing happening for a while – that would be extremely boring. So how best to slow down the spawn while maintaining an enjoyable and coherent event?

the problem is, and we saw it in vu9 robot events, during low spawns it turns into a massive kill stealing exercise. Now during shared loot it's a little less likely but if you don't spawn a lot you end up with a mob being shot at by hundreds who'll get an even smaller share if there's an item in the loot.

I think the Boss spawn method would probably be the better option but I'm not sure they have that much control on normal spawns compared to the wave style ones. One downside with be players who hang around letting everyone else do the killing of the normal mobs and only start shooting when the boss mob spawns for the big loot.

I remember the robot where the spawn system couldn't tell how many had been killed in an area and it got to the point where the robots were piling on top of each other, they don't spawn a mob when one is killed they just kept going. It ended with thousands of bots filling a valley - fun to see but in the end they had to reset the server to clear them. If this has improved then it might work.
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Some good suggestions. Both boss spawn and wave event would probably be better. Perhaps removing lower hp mobs in these events though because if you have hundred people shooting Atrox young it's probably not going to be much fun.
All your ideas are sound however MA does not think in terms of "whats good for our paying customer" but more in terms of how can this benefit us (the house) .So for those reasons i dont think they change a thing.:dunno:
How about this:

Only stackables on big boss mobs.

If there is a rare item, make another small item that we need to hand in to a NPC, or to Mindark through supportcase (they could go into rare hof section ofc)

That way we would have no item TT loots, and the item that we claim from MA should have 0.00 ped TT... Just like looting tokens or nova

I hate hunting big boss mobs like the queen feffoxes I were hunting, several huge globals after pumping 30 -40 ped ammo into one mob just to get a Ammo stack of 40 pec and see one person have the hof swirlie, the guy who got the item obviously...

I would love to see only stackables on the mobs, and the rare item drops on them (UL SIB ETC) could be a token just like "Hunting/crafting/mining" CLDs, hand it in, get your reward. Keep TT return on the mobs more fair, fuck the high TT item loots... The only thing it does is make 99 people pissed off, one person very happy...

Would love to see 499.99 ped stackables on a 500 ped hof, and 1 item token worth 0.01 ped that could be turned in for this special modified item or ul sib weapon... MA has obviously decided what the mobs can drop from the start, now make it better for us all so we can maintain a healthy return on the mobs pls!

Im not sure what you guys think of this suggestion, but i would love to see this... It is the time when you shoot a lot of ped into a mob only to realize that the hof from the mob was a 1250 ped ESI.... Hurts a lot

If mindark really did not count "mark up" as a part of the loots, wouldn't this work?

imagine. instead of a small global on 60 ped on a big boss mob, containing a UL gun worth 59 ped, and the remaining is ammo.

1 ped ammo split through all players is kinda lame

If the TT value of the ul gun was 0.01 ped (or exactly like the CLD tokens) and the rest was animal oils... Lots of people would enjoy the events more I think, always having a stackable loot for 99% of the mob would really, really allow more people to cycle more peds on these huge nowdays moneysuckers :)

if MA is giving out 60 ped of TT in oils or a UL GUN, does that really matter to them? I doubt it, its the same tt value... Just the players who get hurt from not having a part at all from the loot...

besides, this will force the player to repair the item in order to use it, so even more peds are tied up in it :)


How to decide what avatar that gets the "token" for the item then could be hard, but setting that on RANDOM to all damage afflicters, combined with damage done so that it aint worth using just 1 opalo shot, wait and hope for jackpot... Thats a behaviour we do not want ofc, so if some genius would come up with a fair system, that gives even noobs a fair chance to get a nice tt return (stackables) and a chance to loot that token... Please step ahead, because I have no idea how that could be done...

Im sure if we think "outside of the box" we can come up with a system that perhaps MA would love to implement, to make majority of players happy, or 100% of them would be a dream scenario....

Step up Mindark, listen to peoples threads like this.. Oleg has some incredible good points in the OP :)
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How about this? Instead of items on the boss mobs, simply add special boss tokens (as stackables) Split is based on most damage dealt by each player - Optional, remove normal stackable loot from boss mobs all together (only boss tokens). Then make those boss tokens trade-able for rare UL & L items.
This completely removes the "temporary-imbalance" of the economy as well.
I believe this is what one calls, kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

This is probably the easiest "fix" for MA. And completely fair to all the players. It would also be nice if MA added your method #1 idea too along with this one, then people could still get stackables/normal loot from the normal mobs, so their returns aren't complete sh*t.
How about this? Instead of items on the boss mobs, simply add special boss tokens (as stackables) Split is based on most damage dealt by each player - Optional, remove normal stackable loot from boss mobs all together (only boss tokens). Then make those boss tokens trade-able for rare UL & L items.
This completely removes the "temporary-imbalance" of the economy as well.
I believe this is what one calls, kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

This is probably the easiest "fix" for MA. And completely fair to all the players. It would also be nice if MA added your method #1 idea too along with this one, then people could still get stackables/normal loot from the normal mobs, so their returns aren't complete sh*t.

Only having boss tokens on the mob and no random system of the items wouldnt that perhaps cause a overflow of items dropping(from hand-in's) if not done right? I mean if only tokens drop decided all by damage done, the same persons would always get the items first, new discovery, new hof sections etc... Would ofc give everyone a chance if they had big dps enough but I myself believe in the part where boss mobs only drop stackable items split through damage done, with the occasional 1(one) token that is randomed, with a small part of damage inflicted, like if you done most damage you have a slightly bigger chance to get the token but it does not guarantee the highest DPSer the token drop :)

I think we are on to something however... Tokens are the way to go :)
I agree that the item distribution can be disheartening and annoying, but I am trying to focus on the problems that have a wider impact on the economy, not just on those who are hunting the mob.

If I don't like the way the items are distributed, I can choose not to shoot the mob. But if I don't like the way the overall economy is affected, choosing not to shoot the mob will not help me.

That said, I think my suggestions will also alleviate the item issue, as a greater proportion of the overall loot (including the pre-boss mobs) is likely to be stackable, and the damage done to each mob will be split between fewer people, in many cases not split at all if only one shoots the mob.

The token idea is interesting too and worth thinking about as an additional improvement, but it doesn't address any of the three key problems I've identified.
Would love to see 499.99 ped stackables on a 500 ped hof, and 1 item token worth 0.01 ped that could be turned in for this special modified item or ul sib weapon... MA has obviously decided what the mobs can drop from the start, now make it better for us all so we can maintain a healthy return on the mobs pls!

they used to - it was called UL. Plenty of us looted UL items with very low tt values in the past it was up to us if we repaired them and quite often they weren't the biggest valued item. TP chips, armour parts and weapons all with a tt of a couple of ped.

L broke all of that when they put stupidly high values on them.

In the shared loot a extremely low tt UL item could be dropped and not take loot away from the other players. It would also probably be randomly assigned rather than going to the biggest hitter, just like it used to be. It might provide more of an incentive for people to take part knowing that they do stand a chance of getting something worth having even though they won't have the biggest dps.
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I like the idea of parts or sets.

Kinda like the mayhem sets. Or DNA parts, or anything else that takes time and dedication to complete.

If an UL or high value item is going to drop in a shared loot mob, have it broken into at least 4 parts divided somehow among the shooters.

If someone really wants that item bad enough, they can go buy all the parts and assemble it themselves.

And if the item never gets assembled, that is ok too, we have far too much crap in the game already that takes ages to unload.
(Or how to implement massive shared mobs without screwing up the economy and alienating 90% of the players)

another thing that is alienating is crashing and losing loot, MA never seems to have enough server capacity during events like these, bugs and crashes are commonplace, the loot players get is not calculated on their home pc's, its calculated on MA's servers, why is it lost if the player is offline at the time of looting, or in some cases stuck in the could not connect/player is already logged in carousel, if they can hand out the silly halloween gifts why not the loot the player deserved based on the damage they did. i have personally seen players lose 100's of peds due to crashing on the one shared loot mob that was a big hof.
Shared loot events seem to be fine as they are, except for two problems.
1. super low returns. Someone might dump 200ped worth of ammo on that event and get back 50ped worth loot at most.

2. Not many people know how those events work. Most will think that highest DPS will win the big loot, while it's not true. MA should make an official statement saying, that item loots are random and it can happen to anyone with any gun, simply higher DPS increases the chance but is not always guaranteed.

And I personally think that is EXACTLY what puts off most people. The terrible returns and the myths of hitting something big. I spent maybe 3ped to get that EWE, so basically everyone has a chance.
The token idea is interesting too and worth thinking about as an additional improvement, but it doesn't address any of the three key problems I've identified.

Sorry about that, should have mentioned my idea was about something else than the main topic

I have been thinking about the loot system on the shared loot mobs a lot since I have been shooting way too much ped (for my economy) into those big beasts :)

What you have explained in the opening post is something I agree completely with but I am not sure how it could be fixed other than what has been said in the thread already, so I just wanted to post my thoughts about the shared mobs and another problem me and a lot of my friends has been feeling lately on shared loot mobs :)

I really hope someone at Mindark will take a look at the thread and do what they think is best about the current system

I do hope for the best and your ideas always seem like the best ones Oleg(in my opinion) and I respect you to 100%, both as a Event creator and idea/thoughts/opinion machine...

+rep (if I could do it another time already for this thread but it seems I can't do that yet :()
Sorry about that, should have mentioned my idea was about something else than the main topic

No worries, I'm looking at things from a different angle but it's interesting to see from your comments and some of the others here that there are other improvements that could be made as well as those I've thought most about.

I suppose there are three angles to come from depending on your perspective:

  • People who aren't really interested in taking part but are concerned about the wider impact;
  • People who don't take part but might do if the system was improved;
  • People who do take part but aren't completely happy with the current system.

I'm not sure I've ever spoken to anyone who takes part and thinks everything is great as it is - do such people exist, I wonder?
I'm not sure I've ever spoken to anyone who takes part and thinks everything is great as it is - do such people exist, I wonder?
Those people who are lucky enough to get a rare item are the ones who thinks everything is great the way it is, that is until they don't get lucky again :laugh:
  • disproportionate amounts of certain stackables and (L) items entering the market, creating a short to medium term imbalance and damaging the overall economy;

That could be easily be solved by the big shared loot mobs having more variety in their loot tables.

  • rare items dropping mainly from shared loot mobs leads to a perception that skills and high-end equipment are worthless, which (whether or not the perception is accurate) leads in turn to an actual devaluation of skills and equipment;

That could easily be solved by dropping rare items from normal mobs from time to time. Imo, after 7 years of play skilling to beyond Commando you should have found items better than a few Boar Helmets... OK, I'll stop my whining there.

  • the HoF list is dominated by large shared loot mobs, leading to a perception that other mobs are no longer worth hunting.

That could easily be solved by having a separate hof table for shared loot mobs. And maybe list the most any single player looted from the mob rather than the total loot of the mob, which would make it more comparable to the normal entries on the hof table.

Recent CLD income has dropped slightly during weeks when the focus was on the large shared mobs.

I tend to find at events like the Hydra shared-loot my dps tends to be much lower than when hunting normally. I guess due to lag issues, standing around waiting for spawns, searching for spawns, reviving, etc.

Method 2: Use the wave event system

Most of you will be familiar with wave events already, and it should be obvious to those of you who have done the Rextelum or Traeskeron waves, for example, how this could work.

This would be a good approach imo. The wave system is more fun anyway. Standing around at shooting huge HP mobs endlessly gets dull quite quickly for me.
Good ideas Oleg.

I also like Forgo's suggestion to break the drops from these into components or parts of items that must be assembled. It creates a separate mechanism and market unique to these mobs, motivates perseverance, and promotes more player collaboration and interaction. If it also keeps some of the flood of items off the market (doubtful), even better.

I'll also echo Jimmy and say i think it's silly to have most of the new/nice items drop from the event and boss mobs. I'd even go so far as to say that practice is what has got us into this situation, where MA is throwing endless events at us that have devastated the economy (markup of both stackables and rarer items) because "we" are no longer motivated by "normal" hunting. The problem with bribing someone is that the bribe must always get bigger and better...
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. I'd even go so far as to say that practice is what has got us into this situation, where MA is throwing endless events at us that have devastated the economy (markup of both stackables and rarer items)

i understand your main point, but i think MA does this partly on purpose, it is their hamfisted way of creating tension in the market, allowing for opportunities for enterprising people as they like to say in their press releases.
at least thats what i tell myself while waiting for the latest event to end with my storage overflowing with now MU-less stackables :p
Good day for a bump...
How about this? Instead of items on the boss mobs, simply add special boss tokens (as stackables) Split is based on most damage dealt by each player - Optional, remove normal stackable loot from boss mobs all together (only boss tokens). Then make those boss tokens trade-able for rare UL & L items.
This completely removes the "temporary-imbalance" of the economy as well.
I believe this is what one calls, kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

This is probably the easiest "fix" for MA. And completely fair to all the players. It would also be nice if MA added your method #1 idea too along with this one, then people could still get stackables/normal loot from the normal mobs, so their returns aren't complete sh*t.

I do like this idea :)
