About the advertisement of Calypso

I'll still give it a go and hope that I get my $20 worth of enjoyment, but the second things turn sour, I'll probably be out of here and back to more traditional $15/mo games.

As someone who has played just over a year, you can definitly play for less than $20 a week, but you have to be carefull about how quickly you upgrade your gear and play eco, so you don't burn through the peds too fast. You will be able to play longer on your deposits when you stop upgrading your gear. I only upgrade gear when I get some good loots, so it doesn't zero out my ped card. There are many on this forum which can help you keep your costs down and there are some guides people have done. Early on I found out on this forum that unlimited weapons are not a good idea for new players that don't want to spend a lot of peds on misses. I might have quit had I not learned that little fact.