About the whole "logging out in mothership" thing

Mar 11, 2015
I just read you can be banned for logging out in space when a pirate appears, but does this apply to logging out before a mothership takes off? Seems to be a common practice on some of the flying services, but is it actually bannable? Just a curious question.
I just read you can be banned for logging out in space when a pirate appears, but does this apply to logging out before a mothership takes off? Seems to be a common practice on some of the flying services, but is it actually bannable? Just a curious question.

Let me guess - you heard that from pirates? They always talk such shit.

Answer: NO. Just common sense, even if it would bannable action - you always can lost connection, or pirates can use exploit against you, which cause you disconnect - and there is no possibility to prove that you logged out intentionally.
Beside the points dr3w mentioned. If you like to logoff you can always do it for whatever reason. Imagine you are online and simply want to call it a day, the game cannot enforce you to stay online and won't punish you if you log out.
I just read you can be banned for logging out in space when a pirate appears, but does this apply to logging out before a mothership takes off? Seems to be a common practice on some of the flying services, but is it actually bannable? Just a curious question.

Who told you that ?
Everyone wins.. and loses.. engd result.. stalemate!

Let me guess - you heard that from pirates? They always talk such shit.

Answer: NO. Just common sense, even if it would bannable action - you always can lost connection, or pirates can use exploit against you, which cause you disconnect - and there is no possibility to prove that you logged out intentionally.

Actually I find the whole pirte trash talk thing rather amusing since it was the players who helped put them out of business anyway..

want to know how?

1. We now have a universal auction, you don't need to carry Lootables through space.. just put them up on auction and then buy them back and pay the transport fee of 2-6 ped to get them back..

2. is Logging off bannable? It's about as bannable as a pirate who uses the "Map open/close speed hack/exploit that exists in game.. I mean pirates use the map exploit a lot and you don't see them gettnig removed from game.. (Yet a simple player asked way back in Fefruary 2013 if the logging off on a mother ship was an exploit or not.. it's not an exploit as MA ruled it as such..) So maybe this year MA might do two things to make it more intereesting..

a. They will remove the "Map Speed exploit" factor in game thus having pirates to pay more attention to their surrioundings and not relying on a cheat to get an economica advantage..


b. conversely the Loggig off function will be removed.. but then also the ship guest lists will be increaste to the full 500 man compliment.

The end result is.. thanks to players complaining and talking trash about all of this, we can all ee where this is going to end up.. where no one really wins and everyone loses ..(And the prirates? They've already lost.. sad to say... Only one whowins in that argument is MA because.

1a. Because of the first part, and the removal of the map speed exploit pirates will have to use their alertness (what alertness/ they slleep half the time!) to catch aplayer off guard.. and
Thus it'll take more ammo and fuel to defeat a potential victim..


2a. Because the log off will be removed the end result is that people will in turn start to use the mother ships only togo from planet to planet and will sell their items on the auction and they could in theory buy them back at the other end and pay a 2 to 6 ped transport fee..

So yeah.. MA wins in this case, and everoyone complains..

(Gottta love it!):laugh::lolup:

oh well, there goes the universe! :eyecrazy::lolup::laugh::wtg:

Benjamin Ben Coyote (Lance Corporal IFN Military)
a.k.a. "The Blind SNiper"
I just read you can be banned for logging out in space when a pirate appears, but does this apply to logging out before a mothership takes off? Seems to be a common practice on some of the flying services, but is it actually bannable? Just a curious question.

You should probably report whoever told you that to MindArk.
There are enough problems with the game as it is without people intentionally spreading lies.
Personally i have never heard from someone being banned for logging off in space. It seems that did not happen on a grand scale and possibly that were not perma bans.
I cant see how it can attract a ban, 20 seconds is an interesting time frame as well. 20 seconds does not seem long but a quad space battle can be over in half that time. Add to that during that 20 seconds you are effectively frozen, you may still move forward or even stop completely so you have no ability to take evasive maneuvers during this period. It is plenty enough time for a pirate to kill and loot you.

Does this translate to lootable pvp on planet, so if you are mining in lootable pvp and have large stacks and see another player and then log out is this also considered the same and possible attract a ban, Again 20 seconds is a long time in a fight.

The other post on planet cyrene forum makes the point that with the introduction of the universal auction, large stacks can be auctioned on one planet, the avatar can then safely fly their quad to another planet and buy their stackables back. This ofc attracts the 2 - 6 ped charge but also don't forget the AH charge as well which is an additonal 0.50 ped. even the total 2.5 ped charge to safely move your goods is much cheaper than the cost of an MS flight plus the 8 ped TP fee to the surface.

Note - Writing this has made me think - are you actually allowed to buy back goods from yourself. I have never tried this, I will run a little experiment this evening to see if this is possible. If this is not possible then you would need a soc mate or in game friend to purchase your goods back for you

Anyway as Coyote said the real winners here are MA - they get the 2 ped transport fee (currently) plus the 0.5 ped Auction fee, and we get a fool proof way of moving our goods safely.
Actually I find the whole pirte trash talk thing rather amusing since it was the players who helped put them out of business anyway..

want to know how?

1. We now have a universal auction, you don't need to carry Lootables through space.. just put them up on auction and then buy them back and pay the transport fee of 2-6 ped to get them back..

Can you explain to me how to do this?
Buy stuff from yourself with your single avatar? Or does it involve the cat's avatar?
I haven't tried this so I actually don't know.
List a lootable item on auction on current planet, fly to next planet and buy it back (paying yourself) and pay the transport costs.
pontfirebird73 said:
List a lootable item on auction on current planet, fly to next planet and buy it back (paying yourself) and pay the transport costs.
Sounds doable but may prove expensive over multiple items. Never tried this and don't think I would like to either.

Re: Original Post.
Three years ago when I first purchased the Bismarck I placed a support case in regards to this matter where Motherships and Privateers were concerned. I was informed that at that time and still is feature done on purpose by the Development Team.

It is my understanding that in regards to other ships, doing so is an exploit of sorts. However, "Logging Out" in front of a "Pirate" is almost pointless as you would be sitting stationary in front of them for that 20 sec period making you a very easy target. You may be lucky enough for your Avatar to disappear from game before they can actually "shoot and loot" your Avatar. But keep in mind that not only doing it repeatedly may be a possibly bannable action, "Pirates" also tend to be persistent and will camp the spot you disappear at for hours.
I personally have no need do any of those and the transport costs I believe increase by weight so it could get costly. In the long run you are better off just taking a mothership warp.
I just read you can be banned for logging out in space when a pirate appears, but does this apply to logging out before a mothership takes off? Seems to be a common practice on some of the flying services, but is it actually bannable? Just a curious question.

Of course not. You are free to log out of the game whenever you like.
Have a nice day.