Calling All Weak Argonaut Claw Owners


Feb 1, 2021
First nice to meet you! Second was wondering if there would be any interest in doing a team hunt with our weak Argo Claws split the loot right down the middle let me know what you think or if you feel its a terrible idea and why it is let me know too always love to learn about this game or if you think its a great idea and what we should hunt I look forward to meeting you all could be fun take care!
Hey :)

No weak claw owner here but this won't work for the simple reason that not everyone is hunting in the same way.
Some players are just "better" and will spend more on every mob.
Some players are slow as fuck
People might go afk, too hard to keep track
Tagger will be spending more and have more armor decay
Difference in ring setups
Different tiers

The idea is good and if you just use the standard teamsetting it can work! I would join with strong claw if allowed!
I smell that some one is not getting promissed returns with his baby claw. Work on looter skills and u wont need overpriced toys to succseed in this game....
I smell that some one is not getting promissed returns with his baby claw. Work on looter skills and u wont need overpriced toys to succseed in this game....

That's a big assumption to make, what if he's just trying to have fun teaming with people that use the same gear? We used to fist al lthe time.


@BAYBAY Feel free to pm me ingame, i'm happy to help where I can.
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If you want to team up with somebody just do so using the default team settings. Splitting loot with strangers will just cause arguments, especially if one HOFs or gets a rare item drop.

Its like communism, sounds nice but just never works.
Honestly nothing to do with returns I havent had my claw long enough to even have a real good cycle with it I just thought it would be really fun to try I love this game and just thought it would be a part of Entropia history dont think I have ever seen a group of people with the same loot 2.0 weapons hunting high efficiency in a group was just something I thought would be interesting and fun thats all no hidden agenda behind it just thought this was potentially special
Katie by team settings do you mean the team option in Entropia that allows you to choose who gets the loot thats what I was talking about if so
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I just meant for example if we decided to hunt say we decide to hunt ambulimax and hit a shopkeeper pad we all agree to split down the middle so who ever loots the shop keeper pad sells it and splits if they decide to be dishonest its on them I guess and they can walk away with that and just never be apart of something like this because we would all know what happened and what they did I just wanted to put out the split down the middle in the case of that happening and everyone was aware and agrees too but it would still be honor system basically
Killahbee appreciate the thoughts I just assumed it would work exactly like people team hunting with tt weapons or barbarellas or bukins everyone running the same gear or taking gear away just the claws doing there thing no armor unless everyone wants to do that just literally all the same gear as everyone does with the lower weapon team hunts and no tagger just run around power fisting the next mob together this isnt fully thought out just was excited to throw it out there and see if anyone is interested I would love to let you join with the strong claw but that defeats the purpose of this but when I work my way up to the Strong claw I will probably do the same post again and then you can XD
Its just about having fun and doing a little history here thats all like I said before this game at the end of the day is just about having fun if you arent having fun there is no point of even playing this game we can all always make money but none of us can make time back sadly
Katie by team settings do you mean the team option in Entropia that allows you to choose who gets the loot thats what I was talking about if so
Yes, I mean using the default contribution settings and letting RNG decide who loots the shiny item. Then the player that misses out can be mad at Lootius, not the other members of the team if an argument was to start.

Give you a scenario..
You and friend fist a mob, you spend 5 ped killing it, he only spends 25pec because he dies to a crit early on. The mob lights up for 10k, but you friend only gets a few hundred ped due to his lower contribution. Are you really going to throw away 5k of your rightful earnings to give to him? If you don't you'll be breaking your agreement. But under the fair contribution settings, you each got paid correctly for a 2k multiplier. Is it your fault he died?

This is reasons I don't team, ever.
I've done many team hunts on my stream, not specifically with high efficiency weapons, but I've never had problems with someone sniping an item and not sharing it. If someone doesn't split, guess what? They go on blast. You don't get to participate in my streams which has very fun prizes and you won't be able to participate in any other events as your name will be spread everywhere.

So what I'm saying is we just set the team loot to shared and the game takes into account everything and does the magic on it's own.
Maybe that is the better way to go then instead of doing a 50/50 split just do the team default as normal and what ever happens happens all stuff that needs to be ironed out in the long run we could potentially be hunting a bigger mob that none of us would have been able to hunt alone and thats the benefit if it hofs or ath we get paid accordingly and everyone cane just be happy for each other!
And then just split any weapon/armor/good item drops. If someone is hardly attacking call them out for it. I know a few of the weak claw owners though and they do like attacking stuff
well thats what Iwas saying split any weapons or big items that happen to drop but I thought that was fair but maybe it doesnt make sense and what ever happens happens I dont want to come off shady or like I am trying to profit off of anyone just want this to be a fun thing thats all I dont know how this algorithm works in this game you could deposit way more than I do and be ready for a big hof or ath to go off and it hit while team hunting wpould it be fair for you to even split that big weapon that drops then you know I dont know details need to be ironed out for sure
As long as your making it for fun then it'll be fine. I know 2 of the weak claw people hang out in my stream and do events with me and we've never had problems.
definitely have to discuss it and see what everyone who wants to be involved is comfortable with Robber brings up good points I can see where this post could be taken in a negative way and I definitely dont want that dont want anyone feeling or being taken advantage of and Katie Chalmers also brings up good points she is usually a pretty good voice of reason on the forum so her points are valid as well
If you want to team up with somebody just do so using the default team settings. Splitting loot with strangers will just cause arguments, especially if one HOFs or gets a rare item drop.

Its like communism, sounds nice but just never works.
Like capitalism ever worked xD

If you accept people with other melee weapons similar dps, I'd join :))
I own a weak argo claw and you can count me in.

I usually consider the old school splits sufficient , anything with 50 ped value and up is a equal split.
Team leader holds all items looted for splits and takes care of the distribution.