Can you Buy Diet Coke in your Country?

Umm, you might want to take note that Splenda is not exactly "natural". It is made by knocking a molecule out of sugar and replacing it with a molecule of chlorine so the body doesn't recognize it as food. Not exactly my idea of natural :D

Maybe not completely natural but it's made from sugar and it's safe for consumption lol. It also tastes like sugar as opposed to aspartame *shudder*.

I'll take Sucralose over all the other sweetners any day :D
Maybe not completely natural but it's made from sugar and it's safe for consumption lol. It also tastes like sugar as opposed to aspartame *shudder*.

I'll take Sucralose over all the other sweetners any day :D

Fair enough, as to whether its safe for consumption, well, its safer than aspartame I agree :D

just thought id let you all know we do drink non alcholic drinks too :D

sometimes ;)
Yeah, Finland has diet coke.

I occasionally drink those artificially sweetened drinks, but i try to avoid extensive usage...

But with all these studies on every single thing causing all types of horrible things...i feel like "ahh...i am screwed anyways, so glunkg, glunk, glunk" there goes diet cola... :dunno:
LOL Diet Coke where the 7-8 spoonfuls of sugar is replaced by 7-8 spoonfuls of chemicals.


In the USA Coca-cola (regular-non diet) is now entirely sweetened with high fructose corn syrup as they no longer use real sugar in the vast majority of massed produced soft drinks. I am not sure about other countries.

I am diabetic and the doctors I have asked in the last 5 or so years have told me not to use artificial sweetners too much. At least not more then two servings a day, which is odd because one would think diabetics would consume lots of the stuff.

When asked why artificial sweetners might be bad, I have been given several reasons but when asked if zero servings a day would be better then 2 servings a day, I have always received a smile and a Yes.

Trans fat used to be fine for you too, just like smoking used to be and lead and mercury and well how about fluoride?

The USA is still starting up new programs to put fluoride in more and more drinking water supplies while many countries have indeed banned the practice, the same goes for milk hormones.

Best bet is to avoid all these debated chemicals and eat whole foods when possible.

EDIT: Close to a third of all products containing High fructose corn syrup were recently found to contain very small amounts of mercury. Companies say not to worry though because the amounts of mercury are to small to cause harm. (at least short term)

I would only like a little Arsenic in my coffee please.
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