Create a critter by Varginna


Jun 5, 2009
Avatar Name
Dis Varginna Venus

critter: SYREENE

Water dwellers; recently found Calypso's humanoid inhibitant, they can grow up to maximum 2m length (including tail). We do not know why they have migrated to the shores, but one day we have noticed a colony of them hunting rippersnappers. We found out that they can breeth in air and underwater. So far we didn't found any means of communicating with them. We've been attacked by them at the first try of conntact with them. They are firce opponents, fighting with their clawed hands and using their tail. They can also use tools or basic weapons that they make.

Creature Name :
Barrusien (Barrus - lat. : elephant)

Herbivore; a herd animal (usually 12 to 20 animals per pack). Lived in green and greassy areas. Highly aggresive and territorial when any other creatures entered their regions. Feeded on grass, bushesh and trees(green parts). At the time of first colonist landing it was already extinct, as it could stand and fight with any of the land predators and defend it's pack, it had no means of defence against flying aetherexes that attacked it's vulnerable hump.
When it came to fighting their their thorny trunk,clawed legs and armored head plate made them fierce enemy.
when i see that syreen i would probably would like to scan her from the tail up to her head :naughty:
Ah the critters :p

and well done ... would love to see syreene in calpsos oceans