Dedicated to Mentors


Jul 19, 2006
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John Teacher Capital
This is dedicated to the mentors. It's hard tireless work constantly helping n00bies understand this universe. Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work.

For those who want to become a mentor, here's a typical day at the office.

Having to endure the middle of a desert area in hot, uncomfortable armor. All the while dealing with sometimes difficult disciples who have nothing but questions, questions, questions.


Place your mentor pics here and thank them for their hard work.

(Or just make fun of them. Either way works.)
Haha nice pic :D

JC, Thank you for being a great mentor. :) You always answered all of my questions no matter how many times I asked the same question. :D You have given me alot of help in this universe and I really do appreciate it.

Now, must get back to making fun of you. :angel:


I dont know that this exactly fits in with what you want for this thread, but I'm sure most mentors will have had this kind of story.... ;)

Disciple: Got a strange signal
Me: Woot! - run up to it and press the button on the side.
Disciple: I died.
Me: Did you press the button? Press P quick!!
Disciple: No I couldn't see it.
Me: Ok, where was it? Did you get the coordinates?
Disciple: No, I didn't :(
Me: Ok we'll have to find it....

The above took about 3 hours to find, we scoured all around east of Twin Peaks but eventually the button was pressed. :)

It was good fun and part of what makes being a mentor rewarding!
Ehh... my mentor is from different time zone, so i can't say anything about this mentorship.
I guess biggest thanks should go to Alice for the guide which covers most of noobish questions and issues.
And a bit smaller thanks should go to one of soc mates who helps a lot (I could say he acts as my mentor without being one). Thank you Endi.
Hahaha great pic
