Electro Matrix (1) ?


Sep 6, 2010
Missouri, USA
Electro Matrix (1) what is it?
I looked in the auction and there are none ,
Tried to put it in the auction but said this type item cannot go into the auction ?


You can only TT it. Value is 12 ped so its still a nice find. You need one for a mission but as the keep dropping...
Just think of it as heavy ped.
Entropedia said:
A universal transfounder used for instant power distribution in high-performance systems. This item is required to build an operational hangar.

As its description implies, its a hangar part.

Back when hangars were first introduced, they were 'incomplete' - and needed a number of looted parts to complete them. However, well prior to VU10, all hangars then ingame were completed, and although there was no 'use' for the parts, they still dropped in loots.

The only possible 'incomplete' hangar now ingame would be the one mentioned in the Medusa Head sale - however, until hangars return to the game (supposed to be in the first FPC vu this year, so hopefully soon!), it's not clear if this hangar will need the looted parts added as the others did.

For the 'Gather part from Drone Robot' mission, you have to loot 1 x electromatrix .. however, even if you have one in your inventory you will still have to loot one during the mission.
You also dont actually loot an electro matrix to fulfill the mission objective. Its just a randomly completed mission objective when you kill the target npcs.