Question: Falx hunting


May 15, 2006
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Velikii Komby Kombinator
Have not really ventured there yet, but wanted to get a general idea.

What level evader and hp is reasonable to play with young ones?

Armor phantom + 5B, fap say 125.
Have not really ventured there yet, but wanted to get a general idea.

What level evader and hp is reasonable to play with young ones?

Armor phantom + 5B, fap say 125.

Dodger is needed. Level 25 minimum. Para needs to be at least level 29 using ur-125. HP - falx young will hit you for 140 through that combo sometimes. So at least medium health. Min. dmg/sec 75 (apis+beast does this).
Ah yes, forgot that dodger is what is needed now.

Let me also slightly rephrase: to hunt them reasonably with maxed ur125 what level dodger and hp is needed.

My emik + cause does about 75 /sec, so that's fine.
unlike hogs, these guys actually miss. Hope you manage to hunt them profitably
i would say above 30-40 dodger/evader and hp 170-180+

to hunt those guys effective.

but 4 fun you could huntem with 150hp and almost any lvl dodger/evader...
the revive aint far away so keep within a lesser jump.

a good thing would be a ml or camo to do dmg from distance and then switch to a more eco gun.

if i where you i would find a team mate or two.

Let me also slightly rephrase: to hunt them reasonably with maxed ur125 what level dodger and hp is needed.

I solo young-old fine. Old hit a bit hard (not above my hp). as long as there aren't three 100+ hits five seconds it's no prob.

However if you are looking at
"i only get killed on a crit" kind of fine, then...well... you need over 200hp for that. If you can take small comp+caperon solo you should have no problems with the young-old falx either, providing your dodger is above 25 (that's when i notcied I could survive them).
Let me also slightly rephrase: to hunt them reasonably with maxed ur125 what level dodger and hp is needed.

If you want to be able to hunt them reasonably, that is without dying once on every 5 falx, i'd say you need:

200 HP
UR175 maxed
Level 40 dodger
90+ dmg/sec

But they were very do-able for me when i had 178 HP and Hedoc-80 (something like level 40 evader, when they still used evade) with nemesis+5b.
There is a big difference between do-able and reasonable and lets not even speak of economicly ;)