Selling: General Sales Thread - [ Imp Restoration / Angel Adjusted [F] / 5h Skill Juice ]

SpikE Odets

Feb 16, 2007
Avatar Name
SpikE SpikE Odets
Decided to create one Sales thread i can edit when items sell vs new thread for everything.


Serpent's Scale Perfected

Cost to make one of these scales is (4 x mod serpant scales, 2 x Aug Daudaormur Scale, 1 x Perfected Daudaormur Scale, 1 x book fo the shade)

SB: Offer
BO: 12k

Offers I would be looking for for this tiem would be something like the following:
  1. 4x Serpant Scale Modified + 2k ped
  2. Wiles Pristines (valued at 2.5k each)
  3. Pure Ped.


Restoration Chip, Improved

BO: 18k


Angel Adjusted (F) - tier 3.99

SB: offer
BO: 20k


Empty Skill Implant

Amount: 11
Ped Value: 10.00 to 18.58

Msg me for bulk deal or individual prices (will always try to be lower then auction/weekly-monthy mu)

5 Hour Skill Juice
100% - 26
50% - 230
30% - 95

Open to Bulk deal for Entire Batch - Msg me for individual prices


Will update this thead when items sell or new items,

Any Questions msg me in game: SpikE SpikE Odets or on Discord: spikeodets


[Sold Items]

5 x Mutated Aurli Bone - 1500 ped
106627 FFA Star Points - 0.33 each
ESI - 10.07 / 10.83 / 11.12 / 13.28 / 15.78 / 19.79 / 142.57 - 910%
Easter 2021 Ring - +13,990
Pile of Opals - 3921 - 200%
Pile of Emeralds - 668 - 400%
5 Hour 100% Skill Juice - 10 - 25.00 each - 250.00
5 Hour 30% Skill Juice - 514 - 1.75 each - 899.50
11845 FFA Stars Points - 0.28 each - 331.66
[Improved Imperium Chest Guards (M)] - tier 0.99 - 16.500 ped
5 Hour 100% Skill Juice - 50 - 25.00 each - 1250.00 ped
5 Hour 100% Skill Juice - 20 - 25.00 each - 500.00
5 Hour 50% Skill Juice - 200 - 3.50 each - 700.00
Courier Touched Body Suit - 6000.00
Last edited:
bump.. price changed for Easter 21
bump.. updated some sold items, adjusted b/o on some items.
updated sold items, added 2 esi to the list.
bringing this thread back since i have a few more items to list.