Selling: SOLD - Argonaut Strong Claw FEN

Phillip J-Fry

Feb 18, 2010
Avatar Name
Phillip TheTank J-Fry
Leave the ped sink of low efficiency and limited weapons behind and graduate to an affordable Loot 2.0 weapon.

I used the Strong Claw for a year and recorded tt returns of 97.2% before markup. It allowed me to hunt much more on the same budget and steadily boost my hp, defensive skills, and looter levels.

Even with the Trauma 7 TWEN slightly over-amping the claw, it is the best amp where it counts in DPS, DPP, and efficiency. If you can't find or afford the Trauma 7 TWEN then a Trauma 6 amp works pretty well too.

Available now, this
tier 4 claw when amped (T7T), enhanced, and running with 25% reload speed boost has:

141.1284 DPS
3.30216 DPP
82.4% Efficiency

You can use the M-Matrix attachments for a super cheap buff of up to 8% Lifesteal and Brawl like a Champ!

Lets talk and make a deal
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