Gin Clear Lake (Chapter One)


Mar 6, 2010
Dedicated to Dennis Smith, who is now fishing on the Gin Clear Lake in the sky.

Svark stopped in his tracks. He felt his left pocket, then his right, than in a rush he checked his shirt pockets and his bag. It was gone! Devastated, he sat down on a log to think. Where could it have gone? Sure queetle could not have stolen it this quickly. After all, he was particularly carefull with this one. This was the alst exa tooth he needed to assemble the legendary exa necklace.

Disheartened, svark slumped his shoulders and started heading south, back toward New Oxford. He carefully threaded his way between exas and broke into a run once he was out of the herd. Before Svark knew it, he was back at New Oxford. He jumped into the hemisphere of the televator, and an instant later he was outside of his bleak apartment. Hesitantly, he put his hand of the knob. Just then, a guy stepped out of the opposite apartment. The shirtless man was holding a beer and he had bruised ribs and cuts from his brawling in the local ring. Svark sighed. His day was bad enough without the white trash swine next door rearing its ugly head. Obviously drunk, the man demanded

“What are you doing here”?

Svark snorted. After all, this was his apartment. He informed the man of this fact, which just made him more irate.

“It wont be soon”, the druken man replied.

This had Svarks attention. He couldn’t be evicted now, not when he was so close to being finished. “What are you talking about?” asked Svark?

The man ignored his question. “If I ever catch you hanging around my daughter, why I will grind you to a pulp and drink you for breakfast!” he said.

Svark decided to go inside. He had bigger problems to face than this idiot. He needed to find the missing exa tooth so he could complete his mission and get off of this god forsaken planet.

As Svark was closing the door, he heard a yell from down the hall. Cindy needed him for something, which was ok because he was not exactly chomping at the bit to tell her he had lost the last piece. As svark got to the end of the hall, he froze. Cindy sat in a chair with her arms behind her back. Three stood behind her, whereing custom tailored black suits of the finest died leather. Two were carrying DOA pistols on their right forearms, but the leader was unarmed.

Thee man in the center, obviously the leader, stepped around the chair on which Cindy sat to get closer to Svark. “Hello” said the main/

Svark trembled in fear and remained silent.
“Here is the deal” the man continued, “We already have the exa tooth that you collected today, thanks to our friend Ramen. We also have Cindy here, and you a swell. I am keeping the Exa tooth, but you and Cindy can stay alive. All you need to do is open the safe and give me the rest of the exa teeth and the talisman, and I guarantee you will both survive, but not before me and Cindy here have a little fun.”

Disgusted, Svark turned away. He knew that if he could get to the teleporter, he and Cindy could teleport away and the men would never be able to find them. The problem was, any of those men could kill him and cindy in one shot each, and he would not take that chance. With as much confidence and bravado as he could muster, he said “Here is the deal. You will untie cindy. We will walk together to the teleporter, and then I will give you the key to the safe just before Cindy and I teleport away.”

The leader nodded. The men untied Cindy, and soon they were at the teleporter. Svark faced the leader and started to hand him the key. Just short of the mans had, svark pulled the key back and then threw it as far as he could. The three men went running, and Svark and Cindy jumped into the teleporter.

After teleporting to the safety of PA, Svark messaged his boss back at CENTRAL CENTRAL. The news was grim. It looked like he and Cindy were going to be on Calypso, for good.