Hi, i can't get EL to take any screenshots when i global, what am i doing wrong?

Hello....in your shown window here.....you also need to enable "Take screenshot of my globals" the bottom line you can enter also your team name ( if you hunt in teams too)
+ bottom right .." save my settings" button ofc then too

if that doesnt help....it can be various things that prevent the screenies....

examples are...
.) you arent connected wih your api-key (if its connected you also see the global lines of ppl in the server window
.) are the normal windows screenshots working ? printscreen + paste in paint/snap ...in "older" win versions like win7 the aero designs are playing a role there
.)is the ingame screenie function workin or not ? i had similar probs with my "ransomware" module in my antivirus program preventing savin my screenies

hope you get it workin then,

omfg.. i was sure i had it ticked in.. fml.. well hopefully now it will be ticked in and actually take the screenshots