Info: Lich (L) drops below 3k PED per suit! "High-end Limited armours now more affordable for mid-range people" say SFE


Feb 25, 2005
Perth, Western Australia
Southern Fortress Engineering (SFE)
Avatar Name
Jim EwoK Morris




Hello and welcome to the monthly
Southern Fortress Engineering Price Guide!

As many of you already know, we have started posting these guides to not only SFE's monthly pricing but also to shed a bit of light on the market variations of the materials we use in order to continue bringing our armours to you. Whilst our amazing Marketing gurus are updating the SFE online catalogues, these threads will explain any of the armour prices that have changed, either more expensive or cheaper and give you, the community and our loyal patrons, an idea of the cost driver behind each price change.

Firstly, the familiar Hawkwing preamble:
As the Treasurer and manager of SFE's shops, it is my responsibility to set prices that are reasonable and fair. In order to do this, SFE undergo a once a month review of prices that is an intricate balance involving the current monthly averaged market prices, procurement prices as supplied from SFE Logistics department, success rates as dictated by SFE Crafting department and of course blue print procurement for those blueprints that have a limited life expectancy! All of this swirls around my own amazing little spread sheet and out come the price recommendations for the following month!

So, let us take a look at the month of October 2010.

For a look at the list of older Guides here at our Forums or here at our website

Hello to all the armour fans out there once again and a special good luck to those countries with athletes competing in the Commonwealth Games. Sadly for entertainment, the Commonwealth Games doesn't include medals for hunting wild animals or mining in dangerous areas. Fortunately though Entropia Universe does provide this entertainment... minus the medals. And of course, Southern Fortress Engineering provides the armour that keeps you safe and alive while you enjoy this entertainment. The only other piece of entertainment worth mentioning is this Price Guide, which I know you have been waiting for with eager eyes and drooling mouths, so feast yourselves on the price changes below.


The general feel of the month of September was one of increased prices. Whether this is due to a more positive outlook by the player base thanks to all the work FPC are doing to upgrade Calypso, or whether it is just that time of the year when all materials seem to rise. Apart from a few stand out exceptions (Such as Robot Flare Filters), most of the materials required to craft armours went up in price. In as many places as possible SFE has absorbed this cost but in some instances the increase became too much for us to absorb and we have have had to adjust our prices.

Price Adjustments

Vindicator: Price Increase, Shins, Thighs, Arms, Face, Gloves and Foots all from tt+70 to tt+75. Harness from tt+430 to tt+150. (Due to Maganite rising 753.64% to 787.48%)

Samurai: Price Increase, Arms and Thighs from tt+75 to tt+80, Harness from tt+80 to tt+85. (Due to Maganite rising 753.64% to 787.48%)

Dragon: Price Increase, Shins and Arms from tt+180 to tt+195, Thighs from tt+360 to tt+390, Harness from tt+365 to tt+400. (Due to Dunkel Plastix rising 5365.97% to 5900.43%)

eMINE: Price Decrease, Shins from 170% to 165%. Harness from 180% to 175%, Gloves and Foots from 170% to 165%. (Due to blueprint prices)

eMINE:Price Increase, Arms from 170% to 175%. (Due to blueprint prices)

Serum: Price Increase, Arms from 170% to 175%. Gloves and Foots from 160% to 165%. (Due to blueprint prices)

Spectre: Price Increase, Harness from 235% to 250%. Shins, Thighs, Arms, Face, Gloves and Foots from 210% to 225%. (Due to Langotz rising 556.56% to 597.25%)

Lich: Price Decrease, Shins, Thighs and Helmet from 425% to 400%. Harness from 360% to 335%. Arms from 435% to 410%. Gloves and Foots from 445% to 420%. (Due to Light Metal Plate falling from 9345.76% to 8281.32%) This is our lowest price ever for Lich!

General Comments

In general the prices increase unfortunately. Spectre in particular rebounded back to it's August price having enjoyed an all time low in September. However, to balance this, Lich is at it's lowest ever price, so there is still a ray of sunshine on the high end armours. A full suit of Lich is down 189.50ped, taking it below the 3000ped barrier for a full suit.

And a reminder, SFE have expanded our two shops at Shop #10, Floor 1, Twin Peaks Mall and Shop #10, Floor 1, Port Atlantis Mall to have far more item points and more selections of armour available. If you can't find what you are looking for, check the other store or order it from us using our ordering service on our website

Treasurer SFE