Looking for an old video on youtube.


Jan 21, 2011
Mustve been about 5 or 6 months when i watched this: It was a video of a raid at the oil rig with a lot of people, the song was a guy and a girl singing i remember, the guy filming it was wearing red undies and wings i think and i remember at one point there were going through some tunnels to the oil rig. They then managed to capture it but then the guy filming died twice. And i think in chat they were all shouting something too Video was around 4-5mins long. Was availible in HD.

Searched everywhere and cannot seem to find this one :S Maybe got deleted?

Thanks in advance.
Maybe this one?

Maybe this one?

nope not it :( i think it may have been deleted =/

like the first minute of it it showed them running towards the oil rig but apart from all the information i posted prevuiosly i dont know much else about it =/
this one?

afraid not either :(

like theyre were running it for like the first minute or so through some tunnels near the oil rig, before anyone even died, and he was recording it all in 3rd person too. im just gonna go with the assumption thats its been deleted =/