lower mid-level armor comparison


Dec 5, 2005
The Netherlands
The Ministry
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Storm Spawn Bootcamp
With recent mid-level armor sales threads and the new armors that came from other planets, I wanted to know how the mid-level armors perform on 16 of the most popular mobs you would want to hunt when you are mid-level . So I used entropedia’s armor vs mobs on a number of different mobs. At the end I will try to sort the armors by best choice regardless of money, and the value for money choice.
Included in the list are low/mid level armors upto tiger. Excluded is raven, improved shogun, improved vigilante and community recognition because these armors are either not widely available or not available as a complete set (yet).
All armors are plated with 5b. Ofcourse you would use other plates on some mobs, but the idea is to use the plate most hunters use overall. The damage behind the armors is avg dmg dealt. Mobs where the youngest maturity is not really huntable by all armors is excluded (like chompers which is really only doable for a few armors like tiger, jaguar and liakon). If same dmg is dealt, lesser decay decides ranking

Araneatrox young
1 tiger 18.2
2 liakon 19.5
3 paradox 19.9
4 jaguar 20.3
5 emine 21.7
6 jarhead 23.2
7 ghoul 23.9
8 phantom 23.9
9 boar 26.4
10 bear 29.6
11 ghost 29.6
12 viceroy 41
13 gremlin 41

Atrox alpha
1 tiger 4.5
2 paradox 5.3
3 liakon 5.3
4 jaguar 15.8
5 emine 17
6 jarhead 18.4
7 ghoul 19.1
8 phantom 19.1
9 boar 21.3
10 bear 24.4
11 ghost 24.4
12 viceroy 35
13 gremlin 35

Atrax prowler
1 tiger 11.4
2 liakon 12.5
3 paradox 12.6
4 jaguar 13.1
5 emine 14.3
6 jarhead 15.6
7 ghoul 16.4
8 phantom 16.4
9 boar 18.3
10 bear 21.2
11 ghost 21.2
12 viceroy 31.4
13 gremlin 31.4

Leviathan young
1 tiger 11.5
2 jaguar 15.2
3 viceroy 16.8
4 ghoul 16.8
5 phantom 16.8
6 gremlin 18.4
7 boar 19.5
8 jarhead 20.4
9 liakon 21.3
10 ghost 22.3
11 bear 23.3
12 emine 24.3
13 paradox 31.3

Proteron young
1 tiger 34.1
2 jaguar 37.9
3 viceroy 42
4 liakon 42.8
5 boar 43.2
6 gremlin 44
7 ghoul 44.1
8 phantom 44.1
9 emine 44.4
10 jarhead 46.4
11 bear 47
12 ghost 49.2
13 paradox 55

Phasm young
1 paradox 22.9
2 jarhead 28.2
3 tiger 28.6
4 jaguar 28.7
5 liakon 28.9
6 emine 30.5
7 boar 33.5
8 ghoul 33.6
9 phantom 33.6
10 ghost 34.5
11 bear 35.4
12 viceroy 42.6
13 gremlin 42.6

Rextelum Devastator
1 tiger 37.2
2 paradox 37.5
3 liakon 37.9
4 jaguar 39
5 emine 40.5
6 jarhead 42.4
7 ghoul 45.2
8 phantom 45.2
9 boar 46.2
10 bear 50
11 ghost 50.2
12 viceroy 62
13 gremlin 62

Ambulimax old
1 tiger 17.2
2 ghoul 17.2
3 phantom 17.2
4 jaguar 20
5 liakon 21
6 jarhead 22
7 boar 23
8 emine 23
9 ghost 23
10 bear 25
11 viceroy 27
12 gremlin 27
13 paradox 31

Aurli hunter
1 tiger 12.8
2 jaguar 16.2
3 ghoul 20
4 liakon 20
5 phantom 20
6 boar 20.8
7 viceroy 20.9
8 emine 21.9
9 gremlin 22
10 jarhead 23.4
11 bear 24.3
12 ghost 26.1
13 paradox 32

Scipulor alpha
1 tiger 19.7
2 paradox 20.7
3 liakon 20.7
4 jaguar 21.5
5 emine 22.9
6 jarhead 24.4
7 ghoul 26
8 phantom 26
9 boar 27.7
10 bear 31
11 ghost 31.1
12 viceroy 42.5
13 gremlin 42.5

Eviscerator gen. 3
1 ghoul 21.3
2 phantom 27.3
3 ghost 28.1
4 emine 28.2
5 liakon 35.2
6 jaguar 36.2
7 tiger 36.2
8 jarhead 36.3
9 paradox 36.8
10 boar 36.8
11 bear 37.5
12 gremlin 39
13 viceroy 41

Kreltin provider
1 tiger 25.5
2 viceroy 29.8
3 jaguar 30.5
4 gremlin 31.5
5 ghoul 32.5
6 phantom 32.5
7 boar 35.5
8 jarhead 36.5
9 liakon 37.5
10 bear 38.5
11 ghost 38.5
12 emine 39.5
13 paradox 47.5

Marcimex soldier
1 ghoul 3.9
2 phantom 6.4
3 emine 8.9
4 ghost 10
5 tiger 11.5
6 liakon 12
7 jaguar 12.8
8 jarhead 14.8
9 boar 15.5
10 bear 17.9
11 gremlin 21.3
12 paradox 22.2
13 viceroy 23.1

Thorifoid neophyte shaman
1 liakon 20.8
2 ghoul 36.8
3 bear 37.8
4 jaguar 38.8
5 ghost 39.8
6 boar 39.8
7 phantom 39.8
8 tiger 39.8
9 viceroy 43.8
10 emine 44.8
11 gremlin 45.8
12 jarhead 47.8
13 paradox 51.8

Feffoid champion elite
1 liakon 4.3
2 ghoul 12.6
3 tiger 15.4
4 phantom 15.4
5 jaguar 15.4
6 bear 17.5
7 boar 18.1
8 ghost 18.1
9 emine 23.1
10 viceroy 25.1
11 jarhead 25.5
12 gremlin 27.1
13 paradox 37

Hogglo old
1 tiger 30.2
2 liakon 32
3 jaguar 32.9
4 emine 34.4
5 ghoul 36.7
6 phantom 36.7
7 jarhead 37
8 boar 39.4
9 paradox 41.8
10 bear 43.3
11 ghost 43.3
12 viceroy 55.3
13 gremlin 55.3

less points is best

1 tiger 31
2 jaguar 44
3 liakon 46
4 ghoul 69
5 phantom 79
6 boar 93
7 emine 95
8 jarhead 96
9 paradox 97
10 ghost 116
11 bear 118
12 viceroy 118
13 gremlin 134

tiger remains the best midlevel all round armor but it comes at a price, jaguar second, liakon a nice third.
best value for money in the top 3 goes to liakon.
in the mid range ghoul lives up to its name at a nice 4th spot.
best value for money is either phantom or boar, as those armors are dropping in price rapidly
in the lower range jarhead is the cheap alternative at spot 8.
The specialist armor paradox shows its worth on rextelum, phasm,araneatrox, scipulor,atrox and atrax. The new 'cursed upon bound' Viceroy is a top 3 contender for leviathan, kreltin and proteron. It's almost everywhere a bit better than Gremlin, except evis gen. 03.
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Nice comparison. I know I could have done it myself, but I also know I would never be bothered to do it with so many armors on so many mobs :cool:.
Nice list. Though the economist in me would like to see a similar list, with decay values.
very nice list :) would have included nemesis as well :p

Overall i think Viceroy and Liakon best to have. Tiger is just too rare and expensive...