Mining to crafting? Or just sell


Sep 16, 2014
new york
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Bambideath deathception durka
Hey all , as of lately ive been mining and have found decent Mu like pyrite and other ores my question what would you do ? Would you sell the pyrite and other others for profit or would you go to craft using such materials like enhancers? Is it just better to take profit from the start or try and craft into a better Mu item to sell if you could explain why you choose your method its appreciated, im still learning mining and crafting so i like seeing different perspectives
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its dynamic
depends on many factors

the short way of saying that is "you have to do the math" although easy to say, harder to do

here are some examples of factors to include
  • markup of ore
  • refining costs
  • your success rate with the blueprint
    • your crafting skill level
    • the BP's QR, and if L or not
  • your "real" success rate (not including near successes)
  • the markup of the finished product
  • the markup of byproducts from a near success
  • length of a run (RNG, probability, risk of ruin)
and probably a few other things i'm leaving out or that could vary wildly, like seasonal/cyclic MU opportunities, chance for valuable L bp's to drop, and more

this is expected to be a negative-expecations activity like any other, with the added potential losses of needing to level up your UL bp's.

you have to do the math, or you can just "send it" and see how it goes.
I craft a few things as a miner, but I almost never craft with what I mine. Usually it’s better to buy what you need and do the math that way.
What's your personal goal?

Do you want to maximize profits from mining?
Do you want to just get ped in your pocket fastest possible?
Do you want to build up a potential crafting gig?

Personally, I'd not recommend trying to craft with high MU material if your skills are at beginner level. But you're call.

All us payers are on our own path. I can PROMISE you, my personal choices ingame make some other players sick to their stomachs but it's how I like to do things.

In short, there's less bad choices than good, so determine how you want to play the game and adjust as needed to find your happy spot.
Well maximizing profits in general would be ideal and i do pretty well with selling the ores , i was just more curious if crafting with your own ores cheaper vs buying ores and crafting with them or is profit margin the same in terms of going into crafting vs just mining and no crafting with the materials i farmed
Personaly I have till date not crafted much. Basic Metal sheet prob the only thing i craft, that too is dependant on their sales volume and markup. I find it less of a hassel to just sell ores and keep track of pedbank each month. Crafting things like enhancers specialy, you need a deep bank and a good client base who will buy enhancers from you. the market is so competitive in this particular field, not to mention most well known Ubers craft their own enhancers when pyrite is as low as it is atm. So yeah, just my two cents as a miner who's never touched heavy crafting and the reason behind it. Im sure I could be wrong though....
I craft a few things as a miner, but I almost never craft with what I mine. Usually it’s better to buy what you need and do the math that way.

This is the way. Generally you can extract significantly more MU from the resources than the average sell price on auctions.

I have not yet encountered a situation in which it would not have made sense to sell what I've gathered myself and bought the resources needed for a craft instead.

Now, I don't mine much, and I don't craft much, but the same applies in hunting. People ALWAYS undercut, with almost no exceptions (for materials)
Thank you all for the perspectives , valid points
better to sell and wait and then buy back from someone who is impatiently selling under daily or weekly mu if you still need it to craft
usually you can get an extra 1% this way at the minimum but requires a slightly bigger bank roll and patience
if you cycling 1 mil ped this way lets you earn an extra 10k ped in profit

also even if you could buy certain resources from the tt at no mu cost certain craftable items arent profitable namely components, yet people craft and sell the finished products anyway without realizing that.

90% return =10% loss
50% long term product return
1+10%/50%=minimum markup to break even on components = any component selling for under 120% is at a loss

95% return = 5% long term loss
50% long term product return
1+5%/50% = minimum markup to break even on components = any sib component selling for under 110% is at a loss
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just to follow up on my last post, the TLDR is this:

unless you have good crafting skills, good blueprints, and know the market well (or are willing to put in all the legwork to learn it)

then just sell the ore

personally i craft mostly just because i enjoy cycling and getting skills and making things for my own use. it's probably not as eco but i enjoy it.

purely from a input/output PED perspective, sell the ore.