Help: Mining Tracker with map

Aug 28, 2010
Tracker updated - see post 2

Update 2, added auto-positioning of map when pressing "p" in game - see post 2

Update 3

Version 1.0 is working pretty well:
Key advantages are:
* Click on any find to center map there and see nearby finds
* Go to exactly the location of previous claim, without paying attention to ingame loc msg (homing in mode)
* use Radius feature to zoomin and out to see patterns/fields
* use circle lines to plan next drops

Update 4

*Filter for 24h /1h
* Show/hide NRF
* Show/hide range circles (search radius)


After some mining (mis)adventures I decided to create a mining tool to track my findings.

I finished with the basic module (see screenshot), I'd like to hear what additional features would be useful.

Maybe someone can also comment on MA's policy regarding using game-screenshots to parse data.

(click to enlarge)

|---> Add new claims (see screenshot)
|---> Set current position / radius of map
| |
| |-> *(completed version *should* auto-set position by taking ss
| *of game and parse the location from chatbox
| *(IF that is permitted by MA Policy)
| * Idea is to be able to go anywhere in game, switch to program, click a button to take ss and auto-set the
| * position on the program
|---> Navigateable minimap with different radii (see screenshot)
|---> Data is stored in textfile for current version

|---> Auto-Parse various things from gameclient (via screenshot only), | new claims, position ect..
|---> Overlay program-map with ingame map
|---> *Tracking mode*
| |
| |-> *Set program to take a ss every 2 sec or so, and autoupdate
| *map on program, so
| *to be able to run in-game and have your program-map
| *autoupdate with your location
| *(Need to read up on MA's policy regarding this feature)
|---> Track "No Ore found"
|---> Add dropdowns to preselect ore types (need to find a list of all types somewhere)
|---> Add equipment tracker (what amp/finder)
|---> Filter only for a date period
|---> Create a Web-version (without tracking abilities)

Do you think that would be a useful program, or are orefinds so random that it is a total waste of time?
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Updated tracker :

(Click to enlarge)

Added features:

Clicking p in-game now sets the map in the program to avatars current location

Color coding of finds
Dropdown Lists in add claim
Claim size indicator on map (black border)
When clicking on a claim on map, information is displayed in a panel beneath.

Clicking on a row in the datagrid auto-centers map on that claim

Additional, overlapping claims are displayed as text when a claim is selected (most recent shows as default)

If anyone wants to help me with testing, just drop me a pm
(Program comes without strings attached, but required .net redist.)
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Starfinder already has a miningtracker with auto track for successfull claims and possibility to track nrf via keypress. It reads the chatlog and triggers screens, positions etc via "software-keystrokes". He got an ofiicial permission to do this after MA reviewed the software ( Contact him if you want to know further details about how to get that done ).

Allways nice to see some diversity, but you should take a look at tracker suite, maybe you get some ideas for your own software.
I found Starfinders page, couldn't find the software on it, says I have to earn credit by tracking globals first.

What is the "tracker suite" you mentioned?

Starfinder already has a miningtracker with auto track for successfull claims and possibility to track nrf via keypress. It reads the chatlog and triggers screens, positions etc via "software-keystrokes". He got an ofiicial permission to do this after MA reviewed the software ( Contact him if you want to know further details about how to get that done ).

Allways nice to see some diversity, but you should take a look at tracker suite, maybe you get some ideas for your own software.
Could you give, or direct me to a detailed read me, because from my experience this mining tracker does not show up on the map, UNless it is a HOF or GLOB
great job on the program sam. May I ask how you implemented the application? OCR, chat log text parsing, ... or some other method:)??