Price Check ML35 TWEN, Camo Stalker TWEN and Camo BGH

25k max for ml twen currently (last bought for less than 20ish k) but might go toward 30 cuz of decent stats for blp, sad its low lvl)

camo around 35

camo bgh 25ish

just my opinion

we're speakin about t0 ofc
Because I own a ML35 TWEN its worth 75k...jk.

It's probably worth between 25-30K depending on tier and tier rate and current market. It's a good efficient fast tagger for me and pairs nice with the rest of my kit and skills. Unless MA releases more TWEN items there are only 5 so there is a rarity factor as well but the Camo TWEN has that same factor. I like it but I've always been a big fan of ML type weapons. I know I won't be selling mine.
Bp130s going for 60kish ped
Keyworks unity went for around 60k ped in token value also.

Very high value items going for way under 100k tells you were well into a buyers market, sellers losing alot of power so i would definitly not overpay for pissweak peashooters in comparison. Just my opinion ofc. So many items and many more to come. Time is ripe to get brilliant deals.