new mod fap looted?


Oct 9, 2009
Have you hear of some mod fap recently looted?
This one have tier 0.0 and this guy have no track on entropiatracker so anyone have info?
maybe it Neverdie who start dropping uber item to his friend to make his planet works something??

thanks sorry for my bad english :)
Wasnt one made from the robot wars?
I bet that's an uber's secondary avatar.
An inactive Mod FAP is the most sad thing in EU... :(

Wish I had 1 million PED.
Don't Jump to Conclusions...

Avatar was around before Tracker and he was in cK Coat Killers. He also had the item BEFORE the tiering system came out and he went inactive. Now seems like he's selling it :)

This thread can close now.

Mod Fap threads are always interesting...I bet there could be plenty more out there hidden away on inactive avatars :cool:

ps. 1 million ped feels a little steep
Mod Fap threads are always interesting...I bet there could be plenty more out there hidden away on inactive avatars :cool:

ps. 1 million ped feels a little steep
Most of which are probably dubed.
so i wonder how much that auction fee would be since it obviously wont be sold. lotta lost peds on that fee.
Einstein has been selling this mod fap for quite a while, it was part of a trade with Manuel for his Atrax LA and has been for sale since then.

My point is someone lists one on auction for 1,000,000 ped and Einstein SB 130,000.

I'm aware Einstein had it for sale for a year previously.
It's a sad state of the market that no body will risk 130000Ped let alone 1000000Ped for a Mod FAP. I think these sellers best bet is a 50000Ped SB and see if anyone has the confidence to buy one. Until the player base doubles or triples in size and the economy recovers we won't see these items selling at pre VU10 prices.
It's a sad state of the market that no body will risk 130000Ped let alone 1000000Ped for a Mod FAP. I think these sellers best bet is a 50000Ped SB and see if anyone has the confidence to buy one. Until the player base doubles or triples in size and the economy recovers we won't see these items selling at pre VU10 prices.

Not really, had Einstein put a BO of 130k peds the mod fap would have been gone before he could say "Cheese". So no need for 50k SB. The economy is not in that bad a condition as some make out to be. That said getting 300-500k for the mod fap is not gonna happen soon.
The economy is not that bad but don't forget there are some serious competitors for such items: CLDs. :(
seen this avatar log in and out, he had a full set of armour on without his foot guards so im assuming he left a long time ago before the foot guards were introduced into game and you needed them... :wise:

this happened in VU 9.0 (2007/10/09) and no extra damage will be incurred by avatars without Foot Guards until VU 9.1. (2007/12/11)

so im assuming the avatar left around that time or anytime before, this is only speculation but it would be a good guess with him being in shadow/angel with no footy's :wtg:
haha the guy put back the mod fap for the same BO and SB, maybe you should tell him it wont sell at that price danimal :p
only conclusion to make here:

some people have 100 ped(auc fee) to put in trash, there is just a begining of an infinite list of what he could do with 10usd:

- make a noob happy
- eat mac donalds
- give to poor
most everything drop 50% from the peak.

yeah, I wish I had sold my ML35 when it went for 25k.

Adj faps went for 70k as well, and now only worth half. So it makes sense that the mod fap is only worth around 125k.