Nutters Diary


Nov 28, 2005
Project X-Y
Avatar Name
Fezza Prozac Sanity
Well, my first diary page. What shall I write? Anything? Nothing? who knows? Who cares?

Anyway, I thought I would put here some picture by me of Entropia related events / musings. I may or may not upload them to the game and sell them, depends on whether I feel brave enough to take a load of critisism. Always someone will bitch about something...

Anyway, here are the first two. I call them part of the Fortunate collection..

Fortunate Miner


Fortunate Hunter


I will be commisioning Fortunate Crafter if anyone is interested. Maybe no-one will be...

I am also investigating Andy Warhole paintings....very interesting. Maybe some images inspired by him???

I will make these images limited somehow to only 1 or two copies ingame..

They are nothing too spectacular. But I feel events captured in watercolour are so much more appealing...

More to come...
I have just recieved two very insightful and kind messages from a member of this forum. They quite brought a tear to my eye.

These messages have caused me to stop and take a look at the way things are going for me, not just in-game but in RL too. I am sure this examination of my thought process and my self-image will take some time, but I suppose I can make a start by creating more artwork, holding an exhibition and seeing if more people enjoy my work?

I don't know. But the comments made so far have been very encouraging and welcomed.

I shall continue with my ramblings I suppose until my demons are exorcised...
I have been interviewed today over an incident that I observed on a ward I was working on. Feel a bit crappy about not doing something at the time of the event rather than just reporting it. Kinda feel I have let myself down by not having the confidence to challenge the practice of other nurses on the ward.

Gotta change that. Gotta stop caring so much about what people think of me. I am not there to make friends, I am there to look after patients and ensure they get the best care possible....

(I am a mental health nurse, for those that are wondering)

Some real life hassles. So what is new :D

Had some great feedback from a soc member today about my two paintings. Seems I better be quick if I am to sell them, as almost anybody with a few peds is buying frames and uploading paintings.

To Do list...

1. Buy 'G' appartment
2. Start a thread about my paintings to guage the response...
3. Maybe sell some?
4. Maybe take commisions from hunters / miners / crafters who want their moments of glory captured in virtual watercolour :D

But that is far in the future..

Can't wait to see what the next V.U. brings.........
Been a couple of days since I last wrote here..

I have donated 1 copy of both of my virtual paintings to the Entropia Museum of Fine Art run by Fin. Very nice chap he is too.

Tried to sell these particular works at Twin Peaks last night. One fellow (i forget his name) wanted to see them, so off we went to my appartment (Sakura City). Explained to him it was going to cost me to display them in a blank frame and would he please have a look at the forums to decide which paeice he wanted....

After about 10 mins he said he did not like them and could I put a picture of him hoffing in the frame. I suggested that he might want to try doing it himself.

I had no other interest from anyone other than those in the forums (where are they when I try to sell! :laugh:

Anyway, I will be selling only ever 1 of these paintings (other than the museum peices) so its going to be an exclusive peice. Just hope people want to buy :)

Maybe it will be with something after I am we can't die :D
Ok, after completing my hallway (painting, building a wall etc) I had a go at some colour swatches using a Warhole style.. Again, produced using PhotoShop and without filters :) Just lots of time.

Grabbed a screenie of a chappie standing in Twin Peaks to make these portraits...

Anyway, Ill just display them and see how they look...


Painting 1: A Study of Kobold


Painting 2: Kobold Drama

I realise that the artform Pop-Art is not new, however I am applying it to ingame objects for this study and it seems (to me anyway) to be giving very interesting results.

I might rotate the colours a bit, as these pictures look quite similar.

I wonder if I could set up ingame as an artist. Are there enough participants in the universe to want to buy my art and make it worthwhile?

I might start a thread soon. I have an appartment and I have one of my virtual paintings there already.
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Well, after looking at my last peices I need to complete this collection in order to begin selling, or at least setting up my gallery...

Hope MA come in with better frames as the ones in-game are pants..


This peice, An Ode to Marilyn, has been created in the style used famously by Andy Warhol to portrait Marylyn Monroe shortly after her death. The replacement of Marilyn with the Kobold subject used in my earlier peices links the old with the new..

Went out with my Soc Buddies (EU Privateers) hunting troxies S of Ithica. Got 3 globals :D Nothing too big (biggest was 106 ped) but they were a nice incentive for some of the members to complete their mentorships.

Hunting bores me sometimes, hence the art. Wish their was more to the game than just trying to get money....or am I looking at Entropia very narrowly....I guess I am. But, that is the way it seems MA want us to see it because they have limited options for anything else. Im glad they now have Participant Content. More of it please :D

I got up late this morning, so I will have to go to work on the late shift (1pm to 9pm ) instead of the early I was supposed to be on (7am - 3pm). Chance to get my art sorted maybe.....
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Ok, decided to try to sell a peice of art in this thread... Hope people like it.

Looked at other artists that have used the pop-art style in their work. Might begin to experiment with different aspects.....if all my peds don't get wasted first...
Finished work last night to find that I had a parking ticket...

(The Leicestershire Partnership Trust [LPT] has an agreement with DeMontfort university to allow us student nurses to park without using the pay-display machines as long as we sign in at reception...)

I displayed a little sign on my dashboard and I asked the receptionist where I should sign in. I was told I have to pay. I informed the receptionist about the situation with student nurse. You ahve to pay she said.

I wish everybody knew what they were doing instead of just me knowing......

Anyway, a bit disapointed that my artistic expressions have not been as widely recieved as I thought they might be, given the initial response to this diary.

Ode to Marylyn is still for sale and so far I have had no offers...

Is this because it is a photoshop print?
Is this because it is rubbish?
Is this because there are not enough participants interested in purchasing art in-game?

Who knows. All I know is I can't really afford to keep uploading art till I sell at least one peice (bearing in mind that Ode to Marylyn is a Ltd Edition of 5.)

I have looked around the forums at the artwork of other people. Many show a great deal of talent and I look forward to a burgioning art-market ingame.

I wonder if I could sell my art in a shop................

Peice? Piece? I also need to learn how to spell correctly in my mother tongue :laugh:

I broached an idea with a soc m8 of mine about getting a lot of well known avatars together in-game and maybe making some sort of pop art out of the resulting screenies...

Well, to my suprise he has Neverdie and some others interested. If any of the following (and this is NOT an exhaustive list) read this and would like to be part of this next virtual screenprint, please contact me...

Colonel Bowles
Marco (MA)

I do not intent to make it an 'ubers only' piece, but a peice that captures images of the most well known people in the game. If you feel you are well known or you can suggest someone not on this list who may be interested, let me know.

The resulting piece may be used as an event prize, or auctioned off, or who knows, maybe sold to MA :D
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Lazy day today. Took some screenies around Hadesham for future art projects...

I suppose I had better start my research project. I have to have the first draught ready for the 29th March to show my Lecturer...

Rather play EU :D

I am pleased to say I have lost 1 stone in weight :D I had put on 5 stone since I gave up smoking and I was getting a little bit annoyed about not being able to lose it. I joined a gym back in November 2006, and I have only been twice....costing my £35 per month so far.... But I have been cutting out fats and trying to reduce my carb intake while being a little more active. seems to be working...

Anyway, about my art. No sales yet, but I have moved them to shop 2S, 1st Floor Twin Mall. I am still hoping that Ma will implement an art gallery that we can display / sell our art from somewhere. We could place art on the walls, but nobody else could take it unless they bought it. Like the Billgren (?) Gallery at New Oxford.

I think we also need to be able to comment in the properties tabs of the items, so that they do not show as just Signs, but as Paint, or Print, or Photo on canvas / steel / in oils..etc etc.
Ok, do MA have a shitlist? If they do, I seem to be on it...

I cannot seem to get a decent global, no matter what I spend! I spent 1k peds yesterday on ammo, for 3 hours feff-bashin to walk away 300 ped down with only 1 global of 128ped. No, I guess I am ungrateful, but bearing in mind the decay I spent too, I think that my returns should have been a bit better than that..

Anyway, if MA are reading, please return my loot to normal.

On a lighter note, I have decided to hold off on my art exhibition and all projects are currently suspended. I am going to wait for better frames to appear within EU, and wait for my next big deposit in order to set up a proper gallery and promote it properly.

My paintings are still for sale (shop 2S, 1st Floor, Twin Mall :D ) and I hope they sell soon, or ill have to part with my beloved boar......​
Well, the sale of my art at the shop in Twin Peaks did not happen (big thanks to Nosba for the service :) ).

So, I now have my paintings in storage.

Seems that everyone is enthusiastic and encouraging...until they have to part with peds. :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway, my big losses continue. I love PVP4, joined up with 3 others and went 'mugging'. Got pk'd a couple of times but had a blast!! Even managed to take out someone wearing parts of Supremecy!! My heart was a-banging when that happened :D

Not many peds left now. Might have to sell the Boar and the coat... I begrudge depositing when the loot is so bad.